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  My first Month in H-town!
I just can't get over how long the days seem and how slowly every hour goes. Nonetheless, the weeks and month just pass like nothing. I will officially have been in H-town a whole month tomorrow. It is crazy. At the same time that I still have YUU-PAKU boxes unopened from Japan and still randomly utter interjections or talk to myself in Japanese, I feel like I have been in Houston longer.
Two weeks ago, I started my "real" job. During the summer, I was working a temporary summer program, but now I am in a permanent, full-time position in education. For the sake of privacy (as small as this world is) that is about all regarding my work that I will post here for the moment. Although work is consuming most of my time and energy at the moment, I have managed to make it to San Antonio for the past 2 weeks. Once for a crazy reunion w/ my good friends, and once to see my brother and spend some time with my family. I've been overwhelmed these past two weeks, to say the least, but at least now I have a 3 day weekend to catch up and work ahead.
Two weeks ago, my room-mate from college who visited me a couple times in Japan and whom I've visited twice in Taiwan including for her amazing wedding, came back to visit the states.

Having her visit was a great excuse to get a whole bunch of us back together. I got to also see my best friends in SA and got to meet new people who are friends of friends. At one point, I think we had a party of 12 at a sushi restaurant. We mostly ate, but when our mouths weren't full we got a chance to catch up.
I got a chance to spend an incredible time with my parents, brother, my brother's friends, and the cutest little big doggie in the world out in Canyon lake last weekend. It was really a fun time. It was really important to have this, since we won't be seeing each other again for a relatively long time.
As far as my daily life, I have come to the realization that maybe I am just a workaholic-- regardless of where I live. It is something that I need to work on. But luckily, I was able to find a really nice Rueda instructor and a very welcoming group of salseros y casineros. We are learning some fancy moves to prepare for the Casino Congress in Miami in November. I am so--------- excited to finally get to go to a Congress. Houston Salsa Congress will be in September and although I probably won't be able to get a pass for the workshops, I am going to deffo try to make it to some of the performances.
The only thing that I haven't gotten to do is go to the gym. I am a bit bummed out about that, but the Gold's gyms in Houston don't have a lot of Les Mills and they are pretty far anyway just to go for yoga. But we'll see what happens... Maybe I will get out there soon when work starts becoming more natural.

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