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  Guernica Part III

No puedo creer que ya casi se termina el mes de enero. Parese k acaba de empezar el a~o nuevo y todavia ni hace frio. Ya el 2 de Febrero disque entra la primavera. Cambie el cerdo por un osito de San Valentin pero le cubri la cara con una mascara de ogro rojo. Aqui en Japon hay una costumbre de tirar frijoles para sacar los ogros y malos espiritus y atraer la felicidad. Que raro verdad. Creo que es una costumbre China que luego llego a Japon. A quien se le ocurre? Que pasa si los recojo y me los hago refritos? Sera sacrilegio o nomas mala suerte?


Hoy gracias a dios no tuve clase en la universidad y pude dar la clase de los genios/enanos en JB. Hoy no tuve k ir a su casa y si pude ir finalmente a Konami. Es la primera clase que tomo con Shimizu este a~o. Se rapo la cabeza pero sigue igual de peludo en todo el cuerpo! Creo que su novia, la viejita, lo esta descuidando... por raparle la cabeza se le olvido retocarle la espalda. En verdad quize ir a la clase de Attack de Kayoko, pero creo que con el Huevonasa Syndrome y el Post-Tragona Trauma que me esperan despues de mis lindisisisisismos dias con Guellina no pudiese aguantar la clase. Manana tengo PE en JB y creo k me va tocar practicar con Hiro. De todas maneras, espero que este en mejor forma y con menos syndromes y traumas para el jueves poder hacer Combat como manda la ley de los no traumados.

Dance Show
Iokepine Polynesian Dance Troupe & Danza Con Corazon present:

We plan on making this a monthly event.




PLACE: Happy Fish
熊本市安政町2-29 セントラルビル5F
(Next to SEVEN ELEVEN across from TSUTAYA AV)

  Guisante Boogaloo
Ya decidi k no me voy en el bote de guisantes (aunque son mas elegantes k los chicharos jeje). Despues de la practica de Salsa con Miki y Hiro en el hospital fui a misa. Creo k primero tengo k buscar paz en mi misma y luego me concentrare en los guisantes sobre el mundo. Anyway, la misa estuvo muy linda y me alegre de ver a todos. Ya Luz y Anita regresaron de Mexico (^_^) Anita si se va a animar a bailar la bamba el viernes. Tuvimos una fiestesita antes de misa y despues nos fuimos en bola a la clase de rueda. Le estoy agarrando la onda y nos divirtimos bastante. Hoy se supone k fue la ultima practica antes del show el viernes-- pero como Miki no va poder bailar con su tobillo asi, decidimos no bailar Mas Papaya. De repente tuvimos que arreglar una nueva coreografia y me kede hasta las 2 arreglando una musica para. el GALANTE BOOGALOO de Jerry es originalmente de mas de 5 minutos!!! Ojala k nos vaya bien con este BOOGALOO (^_^) Aqui hay varios video de la practica... los tomo Miki en su keitai, pero pa ke se den idea... jeje

If we keep practicing, we might be as good as these ham(p)sters one day! Actually, I didn't want to tell anyone, but... dancing like the Ham(p)sters is really my goal in life. shhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

SORRY... these videos are currently only available to friends and family. If you are my friend or family and would like to see them, please request to be on my YouTube list. (^_^)
  Dance Shoesお知らせ
この間とても可愛いダンス・シューズを見つけてSALSA CON CORAZONの団メンバーズを皆おそろいのアメリカから頼んだよん。 私が現在↓のピンク色のBLOCHを使ってる。 おどりやすくて、写真よりキレイで、すごく丈夫です。
しかし、サイズはちょっと普通より小さいほうですので二人がサイズアップします。アメリカまで送ってみたら郵便もかかるからとりあえずだれか23.5cm~24cmの方興味があったら新品のBLOCHかジャズ・シューズを販売できます。興味あったら、コメントか連絡をください! よろしくお願いします。
BLOCHは9000円でジャズは3500円です。 TAPASか熊本市のどこでもまで持っていけます。

We were so excited to have ordered these great dance shoes from the States! We ordered pink blochs and black leather dance shoes. Not only are they so------------ super cute (and not easy to find in Japan), they are also really easy to dance in and will hold up well. I am dancing in mine (^_^). Unfortunatelly, they run pretty small, so two of my dance group members want to re-order a size up. If we send them back to the shop for an exchange, we have to pay(international) shipping and handling again, so-- at first, we'd like to see if anyone already in Japan (preferably Kumamoto) who has a size 23.5cm - 24cm foot is interested in purchasing these. They are still brand new, in the box with tags and all. We can take them to TAPAS or pretty much anywhere in the Kumamoto area. We are asking for 9,000yen for the pink blochs and 3,500yen for the black, leather jazz shoes.
If you are interested please contact me right away by leaving a comment with a way to get in touch with you. Thanks a lot (^_^) and see you on the dance floor!
  I am a cat!

Today we went to Kawachi machi on the way to Tensui in Tamana. Walking around Tougenochaya, where Souseki's spirits are still hanging around, I was greeted by a cat. I remember doing a research project on MANEKI NEKO when I was an exchange student at KYOTO GAIKOKUGO DAIGAKU. There is a bit of Japanese folklore with a cat motif. I started thinking about how odd we really must be from that cat's perspective. He/she didn't look hungry-- not too skinny like those stray cats at the temple. Yet, the cat seemed to be following us. I wondered if it was trying to tell us something. Cats must think we are so weird. We are. (BTW, one of SOUSEKI's best novels is titled I AM A CAT.)

We had DAGOJIRU after a nice stroll and drove up the mountain to KUSAMAKURA ONSEN for more SOUSEKI. It was a drizzly cool evening, so the sunset wasn't too splendid, but the view was still dawnting. The cold air felt so good and I gave myself a facial and took my sweet time bathing.

After heading back to the city, we went to JYUJYU and had a very strange OKONOMIYAKI.

I met Wei-Ching when I was studying at UTSA... so country music & fusian food brought lots of memories back. Wei-Ching went skiing in Gokase (Miyazaki) in the morning and after my JB lessons (I cancelled my evening privates) I picked her up at the Kotsu Center and we headed out to Tiger Man. We ordered so----------- much food. Fish, chicken, bread, soup, etc.. and then we ordered a second dish of Cajun Chicken w/ avocado and even an other dish of chicken wings. Tonight is GLUTTON POWER trip... but I know that when she leaves I am going to get EXTREME FUTTOTERU SYNDROME... especially since I have been totally skipping the gym... I think it will be combination NAMAKEMONO FUTTOTERU SYNDROME. God help me!

Anyway... after dinner, we headed down town to Charlie Nagatani's bar, Good Time Charlie's. Charlie is awesome!!!!!!!!!!! He has a better Texas accent than most Texans. His band plays live every day and really puts a show on. He dropped out of school after his 20th b-day to start his country band and his wife is a sweet lady and a great line dancer. It was fun (^_^)
  Kikuchi Kyoukoku con bulto

Las fotos son mas bonitas sin monos, eda...
Y los trips tambien (^_^)... sigo con mi refransillo enfadosillo k mas vale solo k mal acompa~ado. Que dios me ayude k ni sola me soporto.

Que bonito Kikuchi!

Tome 1/2 dia libre de JB y en chinga nos fuimos a ver k onda en el Kyoukoku y deje a Wei-Ching en el centro cuando regresamos a Kumamoto. Nomas me dio tiempo de cambiarme de ropa e irme en chinga a la universidad. Despues segui con la clase de los genios y antes de k marcaran las 7:30 ya estaba Wei-Ching en el telefono preguntando que cuando comiamos. Caminamos por el centro y esa noche comimos en el restaurante de Sri Lanka. De ahi nos fuimos a Latinos x k queriamos Barbacoa en "flour tortilla" para llevar porque ya habiamos tragado como marranas en engorda... pero todo demaciado "spicy". Que bonito es compartir las lindas memorias.

Despues de road trip, trabajo, otro trabajo, comida, otra comida, shopping, etc... fuimos al ONSEN que queda en el piso alto del Pachinko al final del KAMITORI. Regresamos muertas.
  Cigarro, cafe, y cerveza (hasta las quince!)
En JB me hice pendeja. A los ninos nunca los dejan jugar y como fue un dia soleado los saque al parque a que jugaran un poco. Aver si les vaja el estres y se demoran en matar a sus padres por levantarlos a las cinco de la madrugada para estudiar antes de venir al kinder en un sabado. Los ninos se divirtieron y creo k nadie se dio cuenta. Total… si me corren es su bronca. Que encuentren a otra maestra mas chingona.
Despues de mis clases tuve disque junta. Despues de armar el rompecabezas ya ningun drama ni plan de victima me parte el corazon. Estoy firme de que este circulo vicioso se termina en abril. Hay gente mal. Me da tristeza-- pero ni k fuera yo la madre Teresa... ni k los ninos se estuviesen muriendo de hambre. Get real! Son ninos bien k pueden largarse a donde se les pegue la gana (con sus bentos) cuando quieran. Yo tambien. Se acabo.
La clase de salsa en Otassya esta saliendo muy bonita. Creo k para el show en Happy Fish vamos a bailar Mas Papaya, Chin-chin-chan y de repente aver si Ana Maria se anima a bailar folklorico de Veracruz juntas. Quien sabe… quizas nos hechemos La bamba o Bruja—o de repente Jarabe o Jesusita…
Despues de la clase de salsa me regrese a casa a hacer mis cosas y llamar a los EEUU. Llegue a Tapas ya tardisimo—creo k como la 1:30. Estaban todas las del grupito de los que bailan acapella todas en vestidos Chinos porque hicieron una fiesta Latina. Kien les entiende. Estan mas perdidos k uno. (K diablos tiene k ver un vestido chino con una fiesta Latina en Japon?) Anyway… no es mi bronca. Baile suficiente y despues fui al udon/oden con Rio y Taka. Me caen muy bien. Despues Taka se fue y me kede con Rio hasta las ocho de la manana platicando de pendejada y media. Ella con su cigarro, café, y cerveza… y yo con mi café helado y un te de alga que tenia aroma de orine de ballena.
El Domingo me lo pase dormida y haciendo unos pocos quehaceres para esperar la semana—y fui a la clase de Rueda y luego me quede charlando con Gi un rato. Manana tengo k pagar mi fucking health insurance y llega Wei-Ching… tambien se va la basura que no se quema y tengo clase en Shirayuri. Aver si logro ir al gym x k me late k esta semana va a ser tragadera y media y no me van a dejar ir a Konami.
  Putting together the pieces

Today I rushed out of JB after lunch to go to the eye doctor. They changed the rules so that now EVERY time that you want to get a refill on contact lenses u have to go through an eye exam. If KANJI had capital letters, that would be MENDOUKUSSSSSAI in all caps, let me tell u. They have the same hours as the immigration office for some reason-- basically when NO ONE can go. So... finally, I got down to my last pair, and had to make the trip. Ofcourse, they were closed. So I waited and did some window shopping in the area. This is a small vegetable shop on the Shimotouri. I was surprised that the price of Mangos had gone down-- and then I realized that they weren't Mexican mangos. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm.... Australian mangos are only about 15 US bucks a pop!!!!!!!! How cheap! Yeah right. But last year I saw Mexican mangos for about 30 US bucks. Japan is soooooooooooooooooo expensive. Can you imagine that my contact lenses AND the eye exam (with insurance ofcourse--- which I pay and arm and a leg and probably an other leg for) were the same price of a mango? No wonder they pack them so nicely. For that price they should come with ribbons and bows!

Jambalaya night at Yoko's was fun & yummy. We hardly have a chance to get ALL of us together, especially since I never work with Jo-Jo or Sandy. We stayed up until 3 in the morning "putting the pieces together". It is really nice of Yoko to do this. (^_^) Thank you! Gochisou sama deshita!
  Nothing special...
The picture I have been using on my profile is not so old... Matsu took it sometime in Sept at Shark. I think it is my usual dekakeru-mode look... but I guess I've gone through some metamorphosis or something.
I am not getting any younger or any thinner.
Sumire told me that my picture on my profile doesn't look like me.
So--- In order to stop deceiving people I have taken some NAMA pics. Just like I look when I type my BS. No contacts... no make-up.... no special hairstyle. Actually, I am not even wearing underwear if that is not TMI. So... please comment as to which one I should use for my profile. I will be happy to stop deceiving people.
Which one do you think best shows my true colors??? (All pics were taken on the same day within 2 min)

Anyway... Ya paso una semana desde k perdi a Dave. Aunque parese k ya fue hace mucho, no a pasado casi nada. El lunes fui al Kinder Japones donde siempre voy. Yo misma me sorprendi k los ni~os ya hablan bastante. Seran genios o tendran buena maestra?! Me puse un poco sentimental x k se k nomas kedan pocas clases. Ellos todavia no saben k no regreso para el a~o k entra... aver cuando se le ocurre a la brain defficiency mensionar something pa ke empiezen a buscar a otro payaso. Despues del kinder fui a tragar CHANPON con Dai-chan. El 17 se regresa a Australia y no me late k lo pueda ver. Mas tarde pude ir a la tortura de maeda. La musica nueva ta buena y los ejercisios para piernas estan mas dificiles k la temporada previa.

El Martes todo iguanas k siempre. Fui a la universidad. Estoy contando las clases k me kedan. Tambien hice la clase privada... Aunque tanto quize salirme despues de la clase para poder ir a la clase de Kayoko en Konami-- a los *!()(+_+##(&$%$#$%^&*()*&^%$#@#$%^ padres de los #$%^&*()(*&^%$#@#$%^&*( ni~os se les occurio cada rollo. No pude largarme. La clase empieza a las seis y media y aun no llegue a Konami. Fui llegando a mi apaato a eso de las eleven. Hijos de su &^%$#$%^&*(!!!!!

Me saco de onda una llamada. Tengo muchas cosas k pensar.

Hoy todo N. Creo k todo mi bitching no merece ser escrito en este blog. Quizas me arrepienta y lo borre.

I haven’t posted in a while – guess I haven’t had any “hima”暇 (free time) since getting back to my regular schedule in a rather unusual style. On top of all the getting back to routine BS, I had to re-experience public transportation after a very long time. Surprisinlgy, it was quite natural for me to hop on the bus and make it to work. I had, however, never had to take public transportation to work before. The rush-hour buses are so crowded, but somehow I always managed to get my over-sized gaijin ass through the door and squeeze my way into the giri-giri-safe zone before the “ドアが閉まります” アイズ(door closing). The bus time schedule was also a good incentive for me to get up out of bed on time. When I am driving I always manage to negotiate a couple extra minutes of sleep… but with the bus, I can’t. (>_<)
With the help of some very *uc*ing sugoii (ファッキング・スゴイ) people I was able to give Dave a proper haisha廃車(disposing of cars in Japan is a process that requires paper-work & money) and could lease an other car. It really helps to know people in high places. Now, thankfully, I can avoid the aroma of the morning bus (朝バスの香り) and get back to my normal (to me) abnormal lifestyle. The car I am leasing doesn’t have a name—but it is a red Civic 2-door wagon who’s life expectancy is 3 months more… He/she has got almost no shaken車検(car inspection in Japan is a very pricy process) left. Poor thing!
My first day back at work was when the darn accident happened—and I have been back to JB every day since. I have also gone to Kumon once & have finally gone back to Konami. On Friday we had a field trip to the Early-Childhood(保育大) University and the children did their play again. They are so--------------- cute, clever, and stressed-out. After the play teachers went back to JB and had a meeting at an organic restaurant… I had my most dreaded lesson with “the mute” and then went to Konami after a lo-------ng break.
Friday I did both step and master’s Pump back to back. Yamamoto played tracks from 2 & 3 years ago… it was so-------------------- natsukasii懐かしい(nostalgic) that I started crying during the chest track (Push-up). Lots of memories of when I was shiawase幸せ (content)!!! Luckily we lie down for the chest-press and no one noticed I was crying like a baby… Booo hooooo…. I finally composed myself and made it through the end of class OK… but when I got on the scale later, I wanted to cry again. Oh my God! I guess I must have over-done it with the nenmatsu年末 (EOY) partying. My weight is outrageous…  泣きたい(>_<)NAKITAI!!!!!!!! Quite depressing. Fat with no car?!?! I am KAWAISOU. I can say that again. I am KAWAISOU… 繰り返します… KAWAISOU yo! Ok… Oshimai. (おしまい)Anyway, I peeped at the track listing for BP60 and can't wait for INVINCIBLE to come out! I really need to get back in shape. (>_<) Daisuke and I were commenting on a new trend of diagnosing people with "Metabolic Syndrome" in Japan. Basically, if you have a big belly, disproprtionate to the rest of your body, you are unhealthy and at high risk. Hahah! DOH?!?! Did you really need research to prove that? Anyway... I am suffering from a terrible case of FUTOTTERU SYNDROME.
But enough complaining... Tonight I went out. Yatta! Sumire from Fukuoka that I met on KC and her friend Jimmy from Wisconsin who is doing exchange studies at Kansai-Gaidai in Oosaka came to Kumamoto to visit Chie, a lady in Kumamoto who runs a Japanese-style Inn (月華荘) called Gekkasou. We all met up for conveyer-belt sushi dinner at Youme town and then went to my salsa class together. It was really fun hanging out with them. After class I went to Shark Attack (atarimaejyanai?) 当たり前ジャン!and met a lot of interesting people. Then, I just couldn’t help going to Tapas! Of course, I wanted to dance, but also I had made a promise with Sumire and her friends. There were very few people at Tapas, but most were pretty good dancers. A group of Latinos who are doing some research at the hospital here also showed up… \(^_^)/♪♪盛り上がってたね。♪
Before tapas closed I went to go say hi to Yi at Shark and ran into Matsu, Yasu & Mirei! I got talked into giving up my FUTOTTERU SYNDROME COMPLEX (the psychological effects of having a big belly) and headed out for Kumamoto Ramen. (>_<) YABAI!!! But at least I kept my promise not to drink. I had a total of 4 oolong-cha-cha-chas and 2 caffeine on the rocks the whole night... so, at least I won't be hung over... It is 5:44… 早起きね. Better get some zzzzzzzzz’s.
  Rompiendo puertas-- cerrando heridas
Breaking mirrors & choking on mochi -- you do the hokey pokey and that's what it's all about.

Kagami mochi is not only a tradition that goes back to feudal Japan, it is also a lethal weapon. Feed it to your mother in law! I should start a business selling MOCHI insurance....

TOKYO — Four men choked to death on Monday and Tuesday in Tokyo, Niigata and Ibaraki prefectures, and seven others in the capital became critically ill after choking on mochi rice cakes, a traditional New Year's food in Japan, police and firefighters said. Read the article on JAPAN TODAY by clicking here.

To keep from choking to death the Tokyo Fire Department recommends cutting mochi and meat into small pieces, eating slowly, and not eating alone.

Now... what I REALLY want to know is why the Fire Department is involved in this?!?! Once I had to call the fire department because I had a ring stuck on my finger and had an international flight soon to depart. Now THAT was an emergency... MOCHI? Nah...

This is a picture that one of my 6 year old students drew in her diary.

I have known Dave for almost 4 years. As a matter of fact, he was at the airport when I arrived in Kumamoto for the first time. At that time he was Collette's. To me, he was just too cool and completely out of my league. Almost a year later, Collette decided to leave Japan and Dave ended up with Joanne. Although Jo and I would often take him out to lunch (usually to our favourite shop in Shiranuhi -- the Decoy, or to various Bento no Hirai). We even dragged him out to the beach and onsen on one occasion! Although we made great memories and I got to know him more and more, he was still out of my reach. But, almost unexpectedly, when I was ready to leave Uto and Jo said her farewells to Japan, Dave came with me to Suizenji. I had to make special arrangements with my landlord in order to have Dave stay here with me. We've been together for almost two years now. We spent hours together every day... He took me to work and waited patiently every day... he put up with my loud music everywhere we went. We've been to the beach, to the mountains, to the forests, salsa dancing, hanami, and many other trips. He was so reliable and never gave me any headaches. My mom and my friends even liked him! Although Dad never met him, he gave Mom money to spend on him! Sometimes Dave would make strange sounds, but he never complained about how poorly I treated him. He was quite handsome and GENKI for his age! Recently he took me to Tomochimachi and Kikuchi... and even put up with stinky daiko drivers this season when I drank too much. Poor Dave was so good to me. I will always remember him and feel really sorry to see him gone. I will miss him so---------- much. I really depended on him and I don't know how I will do without him.
  10 dias y 5000 noches- GUCHA GUCHA
Estoy agotada. M-U-E-R-T-A! No puedo creer que ma~ana entro a trabajar de nuevo en JB. Ya mis vacaciones, aunque largas (enough) mis 10 dias ya se fueron al shit. Los dias ya se me empalmaron y es dificil decir cuando fue when… Como dice Shakira:

ya no se si he vivido
diez mil días
o un dia diez mil veces...

al vez haya vivido tanto
en tan poco y tan corto tiempo
que no sé ni que idioma hablo...

El sabado en la noche fui a Tapas y auque no tome, regrese a casa casi a las 6 de la ma~ana. Dormi unas (pocas) horas (como dice Takashi – soy 早起き—muy madrugadora) y de ahi me fui al hospital donde trabajan Hiro y Miki para practicar salsa. Empezamos al medio dia y finalmente terminamos la rutina para el show que vamos a presentar en Happy Fish a principios de febrero. Todavia estoy adolorida de los tresmilyferia escalones --.tengo DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness) gacho!!!! Pero nos quedo simpaticona la rutinita y estan super excitadas (jeje) las chavas porque van a ordenar zapatos rosados para el show. Estan bailando bien y les late mucho salir “on stage”.

Ya casi terminamos cuando me entro una llamada del Padre Ernesto diciendo que ya estaban en la iglesia de SHIMASAKI. Antes de venir a Kumamoto parece que estuvo en Osaka por una temporada. Unos amigos de OSAKA vinieron a visitarlo y me invitaron a KIKUCHI. Me agradaron mucho los amigos del padre. Los cristianos de la iglesia de KIKUCHI nos hicieron una vienvenida tan tan tan (pero tan!)bonita. Hicieron fiesta de SUKIYAKI y pusieron musica. El Sukiyaki (un tipo de nabe) me encanta, pero no es facil conseguirlo porque es cocina casera. En Japon no se encuentra en restaurants, y como no acostumbro ser gorrona (porque generalmente sale mucho mas caro!) nomas me a tocado comerlo dos veces! No se como se organizaron, pero hicieron muchisima comida y muy rica.
Cuando terminamos de comer, quitaron las mesas (literally) y se pusieron a bailar. Me quede con el ojo cuadrado viendo a Japoneses de mas de 60 a~os bailando el Asereje y la Macarena… unos hasta bailaron quebradita!!! No doy credito. Yo con mi DOMS y ellos como sin nada. Despues de comer y bailar un se~or que es el mero mero de la iglesia repartio entradas para el ONSEN y de ahi la bronca fue que todos habiamos consumido un liquido amarillento y espumoso que te pone muy happy. Nadie podia manejar hasta el onsen. Nos organizamos en un car-pool y Mucchan, Kicchan(Paparin), Lurdes, y yo nos fuimos al ONSEN gracias a los very nice OJICHAN Y OBACHAN que nos llevaron. El Padre y Ikuko se quedaron en la iglesia en en Internet. El Onsen estaba riquisimo y solo. Eramos las unicas y despues de tallarnos como qualquier buen “onsenero” nos fuimos al ROTENBURO (el agua termal afuera) y pude platicar bien con Lurdes. Tiene mucha experiencia y aunque estabamos en agua caliente algunas cosas que me conto me cayeron como baldes de agua fria. Tiene mucho que compartir y no es por nada que me toco conocerla en esta epoca.

Despues del ONSEN nos regresamos a la iglesia y ahi nos acomodamos como pudimos para dormir. En la manana desayunamos sopa de cangrejo y fuimos a la Misa. Es la primera vez que voy a una Misa Catolica en Japones. Esta muy bonita la iglesia y finalmente me cayo el veinte de que el Padre si es sacerdote. Jejeje Hay que ver para creer. Despues de la misa nos tomamos un cafecito y yo me fui de KIKUCHI directo a KONAMI. Ahora con cruda y DOMS pero con la bendicion… En el camino me toco ver varias muchachas “enkimonadas” por ser成人の日 (El dia que todos los que cumplen 20 a~os en 2007 celebran que ya son adultos) Tambien por ser feriado, hoy fue un evento de BTSJ. Desde enenenneenneantes compre voletos para pump, attack, y combat… tres clases de 90 min cada una back to back… A quien se le occure? Estaba movidisimo el ambiente con todos los instructors super hyper… Antes de ba~arme cheque mi celular y tenia mensaje de Zurine. Le habia comentado que si le interesaba ense~ar en Kumon o en Wayo le podia dejar las clases cuando termine mi mission en Kumamoto y queriamos platicarlo mejor. Me invito a cenar. Todavia un poco cruda, con doble DOMS, y con el canzancio de 270 minutos de tortura a-la-Maeda con high-impact brincadera de Kayoko y mucha hambre me fui a hacerle el OJAMA a Zuri~e. Ahi entre chistes y chismes nos dio las deshoras y me regrese a casa. Cheque mis mails y lei las noticias. Estoy FURIOSA con los planes del pendejo de Bush de comprar al publico estadounidence. (CLICK TO READ THE ARTICLE) Lei que va a dar un disque "tax break" a los que apoyen la guerra en Irak. Esta loco el guey? Estoy tan desepcionada de como esta manipulando a la gente. Espero que no se vendan tan barato pendejos!!!!!!!!! Ya... para que me enfado. No tiene caso. Ahora ya no encuentro pies ni cabeza de estos dias revueltos y creo que con la rabia que me dio leyendo las noticias es mejor no informarme de nada y vivir una vida plastica a la Japonesa. Tampoco quiero creer es que ma~ana regreso a JB. Me imagino que aunque los genuises de JB no estan completamente informados de la mierda de presidente que tienen en los EEUU, tambien van a estar sacados de onda despues de un puente tan largo y va a ser una chilladera en la ma~ana cuando las mamas los dejen. Se termina el SHOGATSU y empieza el reality check.
Aunque no tiene que ver nada la entrada... lo titule asi x k Justo, estoy en PANDORA escuchando 19 dias y 5000 noches de Joaquin Sabina. Creo que el tambien estaba gucha gucha.
  ☆Gaspar, Melchor y Baltasar☆
iFeliz dia de los reyes!
Hoy me dolian las piernas pero gacho! Aun asi me fui a Tapas. Hoy no uvo ni rosca de reyes ni rueda de casino, pero estaban ahi Hiro y Keisuke -- tengo siglos k no los veo. A Keisuke lo conoci en San Anto cuando estaba en High School... imaginate! El mundo es un pa~ueloですね! La ultima vez que lo vi es cuando regreso de Nagoya en el verano. Es mas, lo vi en Isla de Salsa por casualidad. Esta noche aunque me tronaban las patas (jeje), baile bastante (con mis pumas k me regalo mi hermanish) y luego nos fuimos pa Jeff's. Fue agradable. Ya me voy a dormir porque manana voy a bailar en el hospital de Miki y Hiro y luego tengo cita con el padre en Kikuchi!
Hoy no llame al DAIKO... jeejej (^_^) Me porte bien porque se k los reyes magos me estan vijilando. おやすみなさい... y buenos dias...

NB: My Japanese is not good. It is just that yours sucks, so you can't spot my mistakes.
  3333 sansensambyakusanjusan say it three times fast!
Mas vale solo que mal acompanado... pero si tienes buena compania el refran vale madre. Last night I went out with the tequila-slamming Dai-chan from Australia that I met on KC. Since we made a good impression by coming home early AND SOBER, we had a chance to go climb the stairway to heaven in MISATO-machi. Actually it is the 3333 Stone Steps of Chuo , but as every Kuwashii Kumamotoan should know Chuo and Tomochi GAPPEID(<--new Janglish verb of the day) last year to form MISATO. We were lucky to have such great weather. Although the night before Dai-chan didn't really seem excited about the physical labour climbing these steps would take, he was wickedly good company and actually kept me going. I totally underestimated the time and effort it would take to accomplish this task, but he underestimated his apparently excellent physical condition. It was a beautiful view and we burnt enough calories to eat a hipo! If you have some free time and want to try, It is a rather short drive from Kumamoto City and a nice day trip.
If you do climb though, bring your own water, as there are no water fountains or any shops/vending machines on the way. (^_^) It took us about 2 or so hours to do the climb, I guess... and I was able to get my fortune & and have a good laugh with Dai. We were really hungry... so we skipped looking around the area (although I don't think there was anything particularly attractive) and headed off for food! After some slightly over-priced but rather tasty inaka ryouri we debated over heading to PACHINKO or to the "creepy banana" and onsen manjuu UFO catcher. But we were both so exhausted that instead we ended up falling asleep. I dropped Dai-chan off at his pink house (^_^) ::smirk:: and swung by SUPER KID to stock up on staple stuff including my most highly priced luxury of double-ply TP among TUBAKI shampoo. After putting things up I passed out and was awakened by TOMOMI yelling at me through my keitai... "WHERE ARE YOU???" so.... I ran off to Shark Attack. I am usually driving, so I only drink occasionally and then go home by DAIKO... Everyone knows that I rarely drink beer -- when I dance, I drink rum & when I don't I drink tequila... Tonight I had a "challenge drink" created by Gi. It is the only drink you will need all night for two very obvious reasons. 1. It is not so tasty -- so you won't chug it. You'll find yourself slowly sipping for a looooooooong time. 2. It contains enough alchol to kill a horse... so u don't want to drink too many.

Q: どっちが美味しいですか?

A: 両方メッチャマズイですっ!

Needless to say, I called the Daiko... AGAIN! (First time this year, though!!!)
  iFeliz como una lombriz!
Estoy pasando estos dias tratando de arreglar mi mugrero del a~o pasado. Estoy "quemando puentes" y lavando basura. Ya el pendejish de *** no me va a molestar. Lo mande a la *uta *ingada! Ya estaba hasta el gorro de k me mandaba tres o cuatro mailes por dia despues del "incident" cuando me trato de llamar como perrish desde afuera de Tapas. Dije k hasta k no me pidiera disculpas no le contestaria... pero aun que no le conteste nunca le cayo el veinte... ni de cara ni de cuerpo -- sera por no ser Peruano? iHijo de su madre! Anyway, finalmente tuve k contestarle... Creo que no fui muy nais... pero ya.... finalmente he got the point. Soy una cabrona. Oh well. Creo que por ese KHARMA tan bonito, me toco esperar casi dos horas en la lavanderia para secar mis garras.

ANYWAY, Hoy le cambie de papel al tanque de BUCCHI. BUCCHI esta muy bien. Se supone que tiene que estar hibernando pero con este invierno tan PUSSY la pobre esta sacada de onda. Esta feliz como una lombriz y se esta tragando los ratones como k si fueran snacks. Este a~o no le pongo su mesita calentadora y aun asi hizo una caca milagrosa... Tuvo hijs!! K raro. Creo k la voy a cambiar de cuarto para k le baje la calentura...

BY THE WAY, a mi direccion le llego una tarjeta de Feliz ano nuevo a Do~a Buchi!!!!! Se cre muy muy de lo mas mas.

En la tarde tuve mi primera clase de ingles del ano. Aprendi que en BALLROOM hay un paso que se llama la cucaracha. Me lo dijo muy en serio mi estudiante de ingles y yo me ataque de la risa. Aver si no me corren.

Despues de mi clase de ingles, fui a comer con Dai-chan. Fuimos a SAKANAICHIBA. Queda bien cerquita del estudio que rento en SUNLIVE KUMANAN los sabados. Fui ahi con mami un dia k nos estabamos muriendo de hambrish -- tuvo bonito y pudimos platicar un *ingo de nuevo. Es muy refrezcante hablar en una lingua franca con alguien educado que ha viajado. Este muchacho es simpatico y tiene buen sentido del humor. Pero Do~a Bucchi es la best listener!
I am so------ pooped. Spent most of the day catching up on sleep and getting over my hang over(s)... hehehe
I went to Wonder City with Motomi and had dinner & played the UFO catchers.... We got some bananas and cute onsen manju. Those things are addictive. We also took more purikura! I hadn't seen her since we went to Kawashiri's HanabiTaikai in August!! She went to Thailand this year and seems to be doing well. \(^_^)/
We are such gluttons! Even after dinner we had a Sasebo urger and tapioka drinks. I guess the diet won't start until 2008... haha!

After hanging out for a bit, Rio, Takashi and I were supposed to go to the temple... but by the time I got to Rio's Taka was passed out and Rio and I just watched Rosio Durcal and Sin Bandera DVD's until almost 6 AM! Somewhere in betweeen hot & heavy girl talk and nostalgic corridas, I had a psychiatric phone conference w/ ***. I suck at giving love advice... but I can try to be a good listener sometimes. **** was my shrink when I worked at the Y and felt like I was going to explode, listening to love nayami now is the least I could do... ne!
  HAPPY 2007!


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