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  Kings and Queens Salsa Night
Nos fuimos de parrand a Fukuoka...
  Detox Body Slam!
En la tarde me toco tomarme un cafe con Zurine y Zaya en Tapas. Pudimos platicar bonito y luego me fui a Konami con Maeda...

Cuando termine de "trabajar pa fuera" fui a la izakaya donde ahora trabaja Matsu.
Se llama So-ya!

Just curious...
Has anyone heard of a tequila slam? How about a body slam?

There is a Thai music group called bodyslam... and it is also the name of a signature wrestling move.

Kyushuu Connection testimonials???
Dai-chan and I went on a "detox" treatment. Dai-chan is so----- WICKED!!!! \(^_^)/

::Embarrassed:: My most called number on my keitai is FLOWER DAIKO...
  Salken Returns
今日保育園の仕事を終わってたところに久しぶりにげんちゃんから電話をもらった。 大好きなてっちゃんと恵子ちゃんが金沢から火の国にお正月を過ごしに帰って来たんだ! (^_^)やった!!
個人レッスンを全部終わってからげんちゃんの居酒屋に行って、みんなでいいとき過ごしたね。♪ タイガ懐かしかばい! 世界はこんなに狭いと?夢みたい!!五年前アメリカでてっちゃんに知り合ってその時代週④~⑤回HASTA LAS QUINCE遊んでた!

Me llego una llamada sorpresa de k Tetsuro ha regresado a Kumamoto para pasar el a~o nuevo. Conoci a Tetsuro y a Taka en San Antonio hace 5 a~os. Me acuerdo que casi todos los dias Janie, Taka, Tetsuro, y otros amigos saliamos a rumbear... Domingo y Jueves en Arjon's, Viernes en Excess, Martes en Central Station, Sabado en Agave con Semeneya... jeje Ahora el unico "club" que todavia existe es Arjon's. Que locos tiempos... En verdad que el mundo es un pa~uelo.
  Body Attack EOY Party

During my "break" in between Jelly Bean and KUMON, I had a coffee w/ ***, but she was a little bit late -- so I went down the street window shopping for a glam dress for New Year's. I had found a dress that I liked, but didn't have a chance to try it on... so, after finishing work in the evening I headed back to the Shimotouri to try on that dress that I saw at Paradise in Daiei... but on my way, I ran into Nakanishi and Hiraoka who were headed to the Body Attack Bounenkai. Most of the members were Attack groupies, but it was almost like a KONPA with the swimming guys. It was a lot of fun (^_^). After, Yamamoto and one of the swimming guys and I shared a daiko back. (So... I never got the dress. But I ate so much, that it is better that I didn't get it coz I probably won't fit into it!) We usually just see each other at the gym. Actually I haven't been to Attack in about 2 months now though. I usually end up going to Shimizu's Aqua Fighter instead. Next year, though, I think I really need to take Healing... so I might start going back to the studio and stay out of the pool for the next season... who knows?
The so--------- dreaded Bounenkai season hasn't been bad at all this year. Most of the parties have been quite affordable and a lot of fun compared to when I used to work at the Y and at the BOE.... those parties were so expensive and no one really wanted to go...
  Guernica Part II
I couldn't stand looking at Santa after Christmas any more... so someone had to "steal" Santa's surf-board while the kids were sleeping. If you click to enlarge, you can see that the wild boar is carrying a big KAGAMI MOCHI. Please don't be confused... as to contrary belief, it is NOT snow man poop!

I'll be working on Christmas. (^_^) I might as well be Santa.
Wishing everyone a peaceful and happy Christmas.
Lots of love!
  My first Christmas chicken!

Japanese Christmas
●Christmas Cake
●Christmas Chicken
●Christmas Date
●Christmas Costumes

In my class at the technical college, there are a few students from China who I teach. For their last class this year, I decided to teach a simple Christmas song and some vocabulary. They were just as confused as I was -- and in a state of severe culture shock!
The Japanese Christmas is some strange mix of Halloween, Valentine's, and all the winter holidays mashed together. I didn't have Christmas Cake this year nor did I go on a date to a "Fashion Hotel"... but I did wear a costume and get to eat Christmas Chicken. But... before I went out for my Christmas Chicken I had a strange phone call. I didn't recognize the number and had a bit of a hang over, so I didn't answer the phone... but they kept calling, so I decided to just answer. It was KURONEKO TAKYUBIN -- the dudes that deliver frozen foods, flowers, and live things. They said they had been trying to deliver something that apparently had the wrong address, but it had my phone number on it. A clever someone who doesn't know my address challenged the delivery dudes. The sender just wrote Kumamoto, and my town name and phone number. The card just said "あなたへの気持ちをこめてMerry Christmas" and was signed in CRAZY KANJI that isn't in my name dictionary... and had no return address... Can't believe this... Flowers and feathers? This dude apparently knows absolutely nothing about me or didn't know what he was ordering. It must have cost a fortune-- and the nerve to send it annonymously. It is obviously from outside the prefecture. MY BAD! It wasn't annonimous... I found out who it was... HOW SWEET!!!!!!!!!!!! (I am such a bitch!)
For those who don't believe the weird costume thingi, here is a pic of me as a Santa and Kazu dressed as a frog! Yes... it is green, but other than that it has absolutely nothing to do with Christmas... am I right?
In any case, I was able to spend a little bit of time back in reality at my friend Renie's house. She and her husband had me over for Christmas Eve Dinner. She is so full of cheer! She made a Christmas chicken (^_^) It was my first time! It was an interesting Christmas, let me say.
  Emperor's Birthday-Christmas Social-Salsa All Nighter!
I am such a hypocrite! I’ve spent the last month or so as Super Grinch complaining about how everyone is wearing Santa Suits and all… Well maybe my *iching was a tid bit jealousy and an other tid bit hypocrisy… but I went and got a Santa suit too. So I am contributing to the high rate of Santa Suits per capita stats for this nation.
Anyway, today from early morning we worked on the JB Christmas program. It turned out darling and the kids did a good job overall.

I will post some videos later…

The kids did a play, some songs, and then got a visit from Santa. Then we had lunch and it was over.
In the evening I got dressed up to go to the-so-called “LA FIESTA DE NAVIDAD” that Shoko has been organizing. The event they had in YAMAGA last month was a big hit! They did a really good job and I guess it was just really hard to top that. Sometimes I am having soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much fun that I just forget to take any pictures… I don’t know why I didn’t take any pictures this time – but the good news is that later that night I took a purikura, so I’ll post that and leave the whole Sintoh Café image up to your imagination.
I took a Purikura with Saori! I hadn't taken one since summer w/ a Yukata on. This one is a so called "formal" wear pic, I guess.

Although we kept having power shortages for some unknown reason, DJ Maru kept good tracks playing w/ some newer merengues I hadn’t even heard…. Rio and Tico did a little performance and had some capoeristas in the house.
After the social, I headed off to Latinos for some food and drinks with good friends (^_^) Yatta! And then we headed to Tapas. Rio, the Manager, and I put on Santa suits.
After that, I went to Shark Attack. I got home around 6 AM by daiko. Goodness! But thanks to UKON NO CHIKARA, I didn’t spend all Christmas eve in bed with a hang over….
  Don't just look good- smell, feel, and think good too!

I got a news paper article from my mommy about how make-up is a girl's best friend. It was a bit scary to see J-lo w/ no makeup on. I guess it gives hope to us regular people....
But -- I am not just a girl. I am a salsaholic party girl who pulls all nighters preparing for work when not out dancing my balls off. Last night Grandma called me thinking I was getting ready for bed. Shuks, I got caught red-handed at a bar on a week night at almost 2AM. Damn it! So--- let me tell you. Make up does wonders for looks... but what good is it looking good when you have a hangover from hell and feel like crud?

My room mate in college and I used to always say... WORK & PLAY DON'T MIX-- so...
PLAY FIRST!!!!!!!!!!!!
Now I am playing hard and working hard, so my best friends this season are:
1. Tubaki conditioner (in a spray bottle to camouflage de smell of cigarette smoke--btw the lable should read 外国人の女性も美しい!)
2. Press on nails (won't grow KABI in the winter and are faster than nail polish & easy to take off at the stop-lights on the way to work)
3. Make-up, BAN ZERO, and CARMEX.
4. And... UKON NO CHIKARA -- I thought Turmeric was just delicious... but it turns out that it not only cures your hangovers it also makes you smarter!!!!!!!!!! YATTA (^_^) Power 2 me!
  水前寺Kinako Live
Este es el Kinako k conoci con mi mamita en Kawaramachi en abril. En el esenario es un tipo completamente diferente. Su look me recuerda una foto k me tomo mi tia Rosi en el jardin d mi abue en Guad. Le estabamos haciendo una broma a Momis y se me ocurrio ponerme una peluca y unos lentes medio ridiculos. No se por k, pero me late k hasta tenia una guitarra... kien sabra!

Anyway, esta es una de las ultimas canciones k nos toco. Parese ser k el tambien es compositor y por lo visto quiere k Santa Clos le traiga un ULTRA MAN para la Navidad.

今夜ジャンゴで水前寺きなこのライブをみに行ったんだ。 何回も川原町のADOで会ったことあったんだけどライブで聞くのがはじめて。 歌はとても上手し、歌詞はかなり面白かった。 格好とメークもオリジナルだったね。 とても盛り上がってて、楽しかった。 行ってよかったね。   アップしているビデオは最後の歌だった。 メリー★クリスマス! サンタさんからウルトラマンをもらえるかなぁ?!
ライブで同級生のフナさんと天才のお姉様の美礼(※漢字を勉強している人のためにポイント→失礼の礼ですっ!)と裕子ヒメ様に会って、ライブか終わったら皆で手羽先屋さんへ行った。 サルサで知り合ったゆうきまんとただしくんと付き合ってSHARKでワンドリンクしたら朝の4時になってしまった。 びっくりした! すぎの日仕事は大変だった!
  Taking things for granted
Americans take having a dryer available to them for granted. Walking space is also taken for granted. This is how I dry my laundry on rainy days. If I had more transparent clothing, I could even watch TV while I waited for them to dry.
Japanese take soft-porn available EVERYWHERE including at laundry mats for granted. We had too many freaking cold and rainy days in a row... so it got to the point where I exhausted even my granny panties and had to go to the laundry mat and pay 500 yen to dry my clothes. What a rip-off! Anyway, what I didn't realize is that if you aren't completely satisfied with the porn selection, you can just sit on the benches and watch the laundry spin around.  
If you don't get dizzy after a while you might be able to spot a pair of high-school-girl-worn panties and fantasize about them for a good while. What's even better is that you don't even have to pay to watch. (Walking down the street to the nearest beer or porn mag vending machine or convenience store would take time and some pocket change.) If no were watching you could even steal used panties (and save a climb to your neighbors balcony where she line dries them) and end up in a stupid book like Tokyo Confidential.

What do you take for granted?
Mind you... I didn't make it to Konami on time today coz I had so much damn laundry to do! I guess having a dryer is one thing I look forward to when going back to the states. Although, I will miss the porn!
  iFeliz Januca! Happy Hanukkah! GIRI GIRI Lifestyle...
Today is the first day of Hanukkah! Best wishes to all. I will go and dance a lot to celebrate all the wonderful things that God has given me. Mexicans just add more water to the beans to make them last longer & feed more people! I guess that is my innate survival skill... but, even so, I feel like I have truly been blessed. Every day that I feel my resources are just about to run out, I still make it "GIRI GIRI". Best wishes to all for a happy holiday season!
And no offence to anyone, but.... I must share this work of art-- Southpark's Dreidel Song!

Hoy empiezan las celebraciones de Januca. Estoy hasta la madre con todo lo comercial que es la Navidad aqui en Japon y para boycotear el curriculum se me occurio ensenarles a los ninos el juego de TOMA TODO (dreidel). Pero como buena maestra tuve que hacer un poco de "research" antes de presentar la idea. El leer acerca de Januca me sirvio como oportunidad de refleccionar. Aunque yo no soy Judia, (creo-- amenos que una si sea...) siento que especialmente estos dias estoy viviendo el milagro e Januca todos los dias. El milagro que los Judios vieron hace 2000 y tantos a~os se trata de que una racion de aceite para una sola noche les duro ocho noches enteras... Siento que lo mismo me pasa a mi. Una racion de energia... dinero... comida... cualquier cosa que se supone que a una persona normal nomas le dura por un insante, a mi me ajusta guiri guiri hasta que finalmente encuentro otros recursos. En Mexico decimos que nomas le hechamos agua a los frijoles! No se... pero por razones muy ovias y cientificas -- y porque los Judios son muy inteligentes-- no creo que le hecharon agua al aceite... Bueno... el punto es que todos los dias estoy viviendo el milagro del GUIRI GUIRI y le doy gracias a los dioses, al Dios, a la Virgen de Guadalupe, a los santos, a Los Angeles, a Las Vegas, a New York... a los Whatevers que me estan cuidando. Hoy voy a ir a bailar para festejar todos los milagros de todos los dias! Otro dia vere si voy a confecion...
  Soy una salvaje!!!
Soy una rumbera, rumbera salvaje,
bailo a mi manera, como los primates.
Soy una rumbera, voy cortando el aire,
y sin me dan cuerda ya no hay quien me pare.

Soy una rumbera, rumbera,
rumbera, vamos a bailar.

Las manos hacia arriba,
Las manos hacia abajo,
y como los gorilas,
uh uh uh uh uh
todos caminamos

Aqui les van los Jellybeaners bailando.
  Santana y Sidestepper
Santana y Sidestepper deverian de combinar su talento para hacer un re-mix de Pinche Migra y Mas Papaya... Exactamente como esa cancion me siento ahora....

It would sound a little bit like this:

Mira que la gente ya no se calla
No vale la pena dar más Papaya
Malicia veo en tus ojos desprecio en tu corazon
It's not worth adding fuel to the fire.

No me pidan que me quede esperando (por el pinche inkan)
No me digas que me esconda o me valla
No me digas que es mejor que me aguante
Para ver si la cabeza me talla

Migra, migra
Pinche migra dejame en paz

Yo no quiero que me agarre la noche
No me pidan que ahora tire la toalla
No me pidan que me valla corriendo
Que me rinda sin pelear la batalla

Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
Me necesitas tu a me mas y mas que yo a ti
  Rueda De Casino en Kumamoto

Esta es la pizarra de la clase de Jun que empeze a tomar la semana pasada. Que simpaticos se ven los nombres de los pasos en Japones, no?
Vamos Arriba, Vamos Abajo, Dile que no, Pa ti Pa mi, Enchufa, Pelota, Dame, Adios, Setenta, La Prima, Sombrero, Kentucky, etc...
Casino Rueda es muy divertida. La semana pasada vino un muchacho altisisisisisisisimo de Iran que fue bailarin profesional y se le occurio bailar Rueda en Tapas. Como ya me se los pasos basicos pude agregarme al grupito y fue muy divertido.

  Playing the dictionary
This morning I went to work. Sometimes when I tell people that the kids I teach are really clever, they don't believe me. My kids don't need EIKAIWA. But no one believes me. My pre-schoolers woul probably find second or third grade in an American elementary school a piece of cake. As a matter of fact, they laughed at the fifth grade spelling list that I gave them.
They just got dictionaries and we are practicing how to use them. We are reading The Legend of the Poinsetta in class next week. Although it is a rather simple story, it has quite difficult vocabulary such as manger, procession, blazing, burro, etc... I took some of the most difficult words from the story and had them look them up in the dictionary. They thought it was a game and got quite competitive.
Unfortunatelly, these are not my kids, so I can't make this video publicly available on the Internet. But, if you are on my friends or family list.... take a look at what my kids can do!!!

It is crazy that they can do this. I know some middle school kids that don't know how to use an index or glossary. Although my kids don't have the dexterity to tie their shoes and still have squeaky voices and believe in Santa with all their hearts, they know the difference among the parts of speech, can do long division, and can find words in the dictionary!!!! You still don't believe they are clever? (I must admit... it is a little bit scary. The littlest one sent an e-mail from my cell phone a week ago.)
  Strange products that made me smile this week...Mambo & Pottacho!
Esta semana fue de la *ingada... pero en vez de contar las pesadillas que e tenido con mi trabajo que empieza con J y termina con B.... y con la *inche migra, mejor les presumo la nueva playera rete chida k me acabo de comprar. Como k si me sobrara tiempo y plata... jeje... la encontre en el internet y me la mandaron desde Canada. Un ninja me la entrego ayer cuando regrese a casa para tomarme 15 minutos de descanzo despues de la clase de Wayo (el colegio de costura). 

And if that wasn't enough to cheer me up after this GREAT week.... let me introduce the best invention. If you like potatos and chocolate... Why not indulge in chocolate covered potato chips??? If you want that extra kick and you are either pregnant, on the rag, or have awful taste... you could just go that extra step and slab on some hot queso or guacamole... or some french onion dip??? A quien se le occurre...
  Chin-chin-chan o Shin-chan Chankenhoy?
No... el titulo no esta en Chino.... Lo k pasa es k buscando una coreografia para el chin-chin-chan encontre accidentalmente un clip de crayon shin-chan. Recuerdo que me gustaba mucho cuando estudie en Kyoto. Es mas, mi hermanito me regalo un reloj del Shin-chan hace unos a~os....

Pero esta es la primera vez que lo veo en Espa~ol. Se me hace simpaticon el Shin-chan con accento Gachupin y me encanto como hicieron el jyanken.... no es CHANKENHOY! si no, piedra, papel, tijeras.... jejejeje
  Densha-dori lit up
These lights have been up since Halloween, but I just finally got a chance to photograph and post. The whole street-car route down town is lit up with blue lights and the Tsuruya building is all decked out.They aren't exactly great shots coz I took them from my car... while it was moving... not safe, I know. Shut up!
The Shimoutori, Kamitouri, and Shower-street are all lit up too. It is really pretty. Maybe I will take a pic on Sat night if I remember... haha
Tenia planeado tomar foto de cada Santa, pero soy una coyona. De pensar que fui a la entrevista para ser reportera del canal 8 cuando tenia la edad que tenia en esa epoca... jeje Ahora ni reportera ni periodista puedo ser porque ninguna de mis personalidades tienen huevos. De los Mil ochocientos Santas que vi nomas logre atreverme a tomarles foto a estos tres.Esta Santa esta en la caja -- y no la caja de regalos....
A este Santa se le olvido su sombrero, pero parese estar teniendo un problema con sus drinks. Pos si son tan trabajadores, pa k diablos tienen duendes???
Esta Santa hasta se pone a separar la basura-- porque como va tirar uno la basura sucia? Hay que limpearla primero.
Tendre que pedirle a Papa Noel que este a~o me regale unos huevos para poder atreverme a tomar mas fotos....
  Dreaming of a GREEN X'mas
Who ever dreamt of a white Christmas? I think the song should be Dreaming of a GREEN Christmas...

Official Statistics
X = $$$$$

Has there ever been anything officially published regarding the consumption of Santa suits? If there is, I am 100% convinced that Japan is the country with the highest per-capita rate of Santa Suit ownership in the world. So far, I have seen more than a hundred in the past week or so. Everyone from part-timers at convenience stores, gas pumps, and game centers wear these silly costumes. I've even seen pizza delivery mophed riders wearing these... Tomorrow is my day off, and I am determined to photograph each santa suit that I see. Furthermore, I am thinking of stimulating the economy and becoming a complete hypocrite by purchasing one myself. I have seen some animal print Santa Suits that are quite fashionable this year.

Most people here have no idea what X'mas, much less Christmas, is really about. To the Japanese it is just an excuse to go on a date and enjoy consumption of useless things -- such as millions of Santa Suits, Christmas cakes, etc... The service business is also thriving with love hotels being humped to capacity and restaurants being over-booked.

Most Recent Posts
Did you know that 1lb of chicken is 8 servings? ♪   RUEDA DE CASINO STAGE ♪   Tania and Maria's B-day ♪   My first Month in H-town! ♪   El Caballero de la Salsa in H-town! ♪   やっとSKYPEアカウントを作ったよ! ♪   When you think things can't get any worse... ♪   The Westin Bubble ♪   HAPPY FATHER'S DAY!!!! ♪   ワンちゃんのコーヒーはアボカドの泥簿だ! PARA MI HERMANO ♪  

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(keywords: salsa サルサ ダンス baile cuba mexico danza music 音楽 wear shoes kumamoto japan メキシコ 旅行 南米 スペイン語 英語 BTSJ)