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  Movies con carne
jejeje nomas una babosada... pero les pongo este videitititito x k a mis padres les da por sacar peliculas de la bibleoteca y el otro dia me toco ver a Don Juan De Marco... jejeje Y como si no fuera suficiente ver al Jonny Depp o como se llame... hoy tambien finalmente vi Los piratas del caribe con unos viejos amigos despues de un BBQ.
  Un Mes already?!
Wassup? It’s been ages since I’ve blogged… Guess this makes it the official one month point. お久しぶりみんな! 日本から帰ってきてから一ヶ月たったよん。
When I first moved to Japan, I talked to an old friend here in the states and he asked me “So… what have you been doing?” I guess he was waiting to hear some super cool Japaneesie things… actually, I don’t know what he might have imagined. But I just replied in all honesty and excitement. “Oh… I’ve been going dancing at a club, going to a gym and working out, and just chilling.”
He answered, “You went ALL THE WAY to Japan to do the same thing you do here all the time?!?!” So… yeah. I did. And you know what? I am back and I am still doing the same freaking thing. People never change. You can take the Japan out of the ghetto but you can’t… what was that saying again?
最初日本に引っ越したときアメリカの友達と電話して毎週スポツジムに行ったり、クラブに踊りに行くと彼に行ってものすごくびっくりした。 なんでココで出来る事を日本までしに行くのがオカシイと彼が思って言いました。しかし、アメリカに戻ってきてもぜんぜん変わってない。 日本でしてた事をほとんどここでしているよ。 つまらないど~?!
Ok… so here’s the spill. Exactly one month ago I was in Taiwan spending the time of my life at my best friends wedding (and yeah, although I didn’t make it to a gym, we DID go salsa dancing!!!) Ever since I got back it’s been kind of in slo-mo, but really busy doing a whole lot of what seems like nothing. I am experiencing extreme culture shock on a daily basis. Aggression, depression, regression, all kinds of weird *hit. I went to study at Starbucks and was shocked that the cashier couldn’t break a $50 note. When he told me with a straight face, I was certain he was kidding… but he wasn’t. So… I bought a mug, too. Americans don’t use cash. It is a plastic world! (Oh yeah, and don’t forget to TIP!!) I still can’t get used to people calling me “ma’am” either. And everyone talking on their cell phones really loudly!! Goodness!!!
しかし、まだなれってない。 アメリカ人はほとんど現金で払わない。 皆キャッシュカードではらう。で、私はまだよくチップを忘れてしまう!そうして、皆どこでもケイタイ電話を使って多きな声で話す! (うるさい! いらいら!)

Well, I landed a swell summer job and will be traveling around the country showing genius rich kids how to dissect a cow’s heart. (LUCKY!) It really seems like a sweet deal though and will give me some local work experience. I also get to see how clever elementary school kids around here are. Who knows, they might even know as much as my 3-year-olds at JB! I mean… these kids are supposed to be cream of the crop—too bad everything is “diet” now. There is less and less cream, I have noticed.
夏休み仕事を見つけました! 一ヶ月間小学生に理科を教えることになります。秋までアメリカで経験を出来るなら助かるかも。 今の履歴書日本の経験ばかり書いてあるのでちょっと怪しいだと思う! へへへ 

Healthwise, I am stocking up on the UKON NO CHIKARA, as always and still going to the gym. I’ve gotten addicted to a new STEP class that isn’t even LES MILLS. And I finally found a good PUMP instructor that can lift more than I without panting or looking like he’s going to break. He’s actually really buff. I might grow to like him as much as a MAEDA, SHIMIZU, FUKUDA, or even YAMAMOTO one day… but no one will ever come close to YAMASITA ne… (sigh!) :::daydreaming::
今健康封建など何もない。 私の健康は大好きなNINAさんよりもらったお守りによるね。へへへ なぜなら、健康のためによくスポツジムに行ってるばい。普通のステップ・クラスにはまって、やっとよいパンプ・インストラクターを見つけました。

Well… I was really sore after taking COMBAT 27 twice in a row (don’t ask why?) and then maxing out on PUMP so I took of a day at the gym to recover and called my brother up to see if he wanted to go clubbing. We went to Arjons (the ghetto so-called up-scale International club AKA el corrientaso where I more often than not hang out and dance) and got to see CALLE 13 during a meet and greet. They didn’t play, but it was still cool trying to pose and get in pics with him. 104.4 had some special VIP corner where they caged him in with his winners or what not, but we got a good table, lots of drinks and enjoyed a night out. Besides, CALLE 13 is probably easier to catch than my brother! I was just made up that I could spend a little time with him, yeah.

今日弟と友達達と一緒にダンス・クラブに行ってきた。 まだ酔っ払いんだけど。。。楽しかった! CALLE13と話できて一緒に写真を取れました。 ウレシイだ!  CALLE13はかなり有名のラテン・GRAMMYウィナーです。テレビとかで見るともうちょっと大きいだと思ったんだけど、ライブで見て、日本人の大きさとあんま変わらんとびっくりした!そうして、やさしだと思いました。 もっとTOUGHとかバッド・ボーイIMAGEだったね。 へへへ

So, now that I’m just randomly rambling… hehehe… just wanted to let you know that I’ve basically been doing the same thing I do, even in Japan. But since I haven’t been working, I’ve actually had enough time to watch TV and get hooked on an old Brazilian soap… XICA!!! And I’ve been studying for my tests. I’ll start my coursework next week and then I’ll be as busy as I was in the land of the rising sun. 私のライフ・スタイルがそんなに変わってない。ただ、仕事がまだ始まっとらんからいつもより時間があるね。お久しぶりにテレビ・ドラマを見る時間足りて、XICAと言うブラジルのドラマに最近興味しんしんもってて毎日見る!

I still miss my friends dearly and my old hangouts in Kumamoto… but I have also managed to start going out a little, meet some new peeps and even found a little Japanese store that sells frozen natto and chikuwa--- haha and has a little video rental of really old Japanese mysteries for a buck. 友達が居なくてかなり寂しい! でも、日本の物を売る店を見付けて冷凍ちくわと納豆でも買えました!残念ながら友達を買えない!

Well… I guess that’s all for my one month update. Can’t believe it has been a month!
馬鹿な話ばかりでごめんね。 本当一ヶ月をたったのが信じられない!
  Random 3-week update.
I am almost completing my third week in AmeriKa and realized I haven’t blogged in ages. Nothing has happened—and so much has happened. My body is here and so is half my luggage… My brain is half here, and I am not sure where the hell my heart is. I just had a wonderful time with my mother for mother’s day. We hadn’t been together for mother’s day in 5 years… I have been able to spend time with my family, walk the dog, smell the flowers, and even watch TV—something I hadn’t done since high school probably! I finally had a chance to catch up with old friends (^_^).

I got to have dinner with three of my close college friends. We went to what one of my friends referred to as a “GAIJIN” Mexican Restaurant. It was comical the way that he said it—but 100% true. Regardless that this town is half Mexican none of the guests at that restaurant were. All of the customers were “GAIJIN” haha The Mariachi were even playing “I love you baby…” Now that is a PARA-PARA song… NOT a Mariachi song. (>_<) What’s the world coming down to? I guess they went through the trouble to amuse me. The sauces were good and it was my first time in my life to have a CHIMI CHANGA and watch the beginning of a midget-casted film and more than 15 homicides. It was an interesting night. Good antihistamines. Great Chai. Wonderful friends.

As far as school goes, I had my first exam this Saturday. All the other kids were graduating. It was kind of funny to see everyone wearing caps and gowns. Do other countries do that too? How did that cap and gown thing get started anyway? It is so------ MOTTAINAI! OK… it is not like I expected them to wear kimonos or anything… guess I was just pissed ‘cause they took up all the parking and I had to park really far away to take my exam. I hadn’t seen scantrons in a while. I think scantrons would have made my life so much easier as a KUMADAI teacher. Anyhow, the test was hard—but being the genius that I am, I think I passed it with flying colours. It is the next two that I am **itting my pants about. Anyhow, I also applied for some jobs and have my first interview tomorrow. Crossing my toes that I get it IF the salary is high. (^_^).

I’ve been going to the gym… It is a good way to go out and see people without having to talk to them. It is still within my comfort zone, barely. I must be ANAL RETENTIVE or just turning Japanese… but I really CAN’T stand it when people walk in half-way through class (especially one that requires equipment—like weights or steps) and they take their stupid mobiles with them and can’t stop talking. Could it be that I am just jealous because I don’t have a phone? Who knows. Anyway, I am rather pleased with some of the classes and have figured out which instructors/classes/centers to avoid.

As far as my little dancing world goes—I still haven’t been out on the dance floor. I was so--------- made up because I was going to go see RICKY MARTIN in his B&W Tour. If you see some of the clips you will be green in envy… BUT after you read what happened you will be sad too…
So watch this first:

You didn’t read this yet… did you? OK… so here is what happened. I didn’t get to see RICKY. He threw out his back in Laredo the night before, so he cancelled/postponed the concert he was supposed to be giving in San Antonio. Can you believe it? I hope he gets well soon. I was thinking… maybe I should go to the hospital and pay him a visit. But with all joking aside, I really do hope he is recovering and I wanna see him!!!!!!!!

But anyhow, I got to spend a night out with my mother, a close friend and her mother instead. We had the world’s best Margaritas and just chatted about nonsense in lieu of watching Ricky. Boooooooooooo hoooooooooooooo!

I have been spending time on Mixi trying to keep touch with my friends in Japan… I still haven’t gotten around to writing everyone. My photo albums and address book are still somewhere on international waters—so sorry… but I am thinking of you. Believe me. I miss Japan so much. If you don’t read Japanese fairly well, Mixi is really difficult to use and you probably won’t understand much of what I write anyway… but I’ll still keep this blog yo! And hopefully have more time to VLOG in J-go tamani ne. OYASUMI gotta get some zzzzzzzs b4 my interview.
  Official 2 week milestone
Gosh... It's been 2 weeks since I've been back. It is kinda weird being back "home" after being on my own so------- far away for 3 years. Aside from reverse culture shock I am also dealing with being idle. I haven't been idle in ages... When was the last time I was this HIMA HIMA HIMA?? Maybe when I was in elementary school?? I've been wasting my life away on YOU TUBE and MIXI... and making OMU RAISU and drinking KINAKO MILK. WTF?! I am going to the gym pretty much every day-- but I haven't been out to see the salsa scene... So, to cheer myself up I gave myself a pedicure and made a silly "instructional" video. (Yeah... I know my feat are kind of swollen!)

Anyway... I will be having my first exam next Saturday-- but it is a Spanish test, so I am, I guess, over-confident and can't bring myself to study much. I always wished I had more free time and now that I am so------------------ free, I can't figure out what to do with my time. It is so weird. I started looking through old photos and reading old letters... crying over my past exes and cooking a lot of Japanese comfort foods... I found a little supermarket that had lots of Japanese groceries and I am made! I am looking through the wanted ads to see if I can land a temp job until I take my course at the end of the month. I might go crazy by then if I don't have a job. I guess I really am a workaholic. What sad news. I failed at being NEET, even for a week.
  Cowboy hats, pick up trucks, and big guns!!
憲法記念日どうやって過ごしましたか?アメリカではもちろん関係ない。 しかし、ニートの私は暇ですからスポツ・ジムで過ごした。昨日60分のパンプを受けってすぐ60分コンバットに参加出来ました。 お久しぶりに時間とスタミナが足りて楽しかった。しかし、コナミの友達が居ないで空気とエネルギーレベルはちがうね。寂しい。Today I went to work out. I had a personal training session. Yesterday after my cousins left and all I did pump and combat back to back. All the classes here are 60 min although the instructors and the class energy level is nothing compared to Konami’s. But, I have to look at the bright side—I can actually do two master’s Les Mills classes back to back and have lots of choices, since there are 5 gyms in my area that I could go to. I was actually really looking forward to body jam—but it isn’t all that. I just wish they had Attack here! Maybe I’ll take a drive out to Austin. I heard some of the gyms there have Attack. Anyway, after my personal training session (which was also over rated) I headed out to get some beans (^_^). I went to TAQUERIA JALISCO and had a bit of culture shock… of the 20 people in there there were 5 cops and they all had GUNS!!! I hadn’t seen guns in a long time. I don’t think police officers in Japan are armed… are they? TOSHI, do you have a gun??? The other thing I found exciting was that a bunch of people were wearing their cowboy hats. Jejeje… this is just the general public, Y’all. I am talking about average people who eat at a restaurant. I felt like I was in a movie. I often heard these kinds of stereotypes and questions about this when I was in Japan and usually dismissed them as lies or pure stereotypes--- but it is true! What’s more is that as I looked out the window I noticed that ½ the vehicles in the parking lot were pickups trucks. I am in a growing city—not out in the boonies. Nothing here has changed—I have.
トレーニングを終わってからタコス屋さんで朝ご飯を食べに行ってきた。 びっくりした。 テキサス三町目はぜんぜん田舎じゃないなのにカウボーイ・ハットを被ってた人が多くて駐車場の自動車の半分ぐらいは大きいなピッカップ・トラックだった。 でも一番びっくりしたのは征服のままで食べてた警察さん達だった。三町目のおまわりさん皆多きなピストルを持つ。 日本ではどうですか? 日本では征服のままで遊んでる警察を見たことないしピストルを持ってないと思うね。 コメントで教えてね。熊本警察の友達も居るから知りたいね!!

Etiquetas: , , , , , , ,

  May Day-- Round 1
So... I have completed a whole week (Round 1) here and finally get a chance to settle. How long will I be here? Only the rabbit knows. (^_^) Finalmente voy a empezar a estudiar. En menos de dos semanas tengo mi primer examen y todavia no abro el libro. Ayer, despues de ir de central camionera en central camionera y de regreso a la central camionera mi primo decidio extender su visita y regresarse en un vuelo directo a California. No la pasamos bien suave en familia. Hoy por la manana mi primo se regreso y mas tarde recogieron a mi prima y sobrinita para regresarse a Mexico. Que linda bienvenida me hicieron!
Llego una de las 13 cajas que mande de Japon y ya tengo ropita. Extrano mucho a Kumamoto y mis amigos—y la vida cotidiana que llevaba (menos el estress y el trabajo…jejeje)  やっと親戚それぞれの家に帰りました。 皆で過ごすのが楽しいだけどお客さんが居るとなかなか落ち着けないね。 再来週最初の試験があるなのにまだ本をほとんど開けてない。。。引っ越したときの荷物まだまだ着いてない。 今日第一のユッパクを届いた。 今まですぽんぽんでした。やっと洋服が着ましたね。ものをパックからだしてものすごく寂しかった。火の国の友達に会いたいなぁ! 皆元気?



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