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  Kalin en Yatsushiro y Pandora en Tapas
En la manana me fui en tren a Yatsushiro para el concurso donde declararon mis chiquitos. Todos ganaron! Son genios!!! Hace mucho tiempo que no viajaba en tren. Fue un poco nostalgico.
Despues de el concurso me vine guiri guiri a Kumamoto porque pandora tenia que arreglarse para competir en el concurso de salsa en la noche.

Estubo muy bonito el evento en Tapas. La comida estubo rica, el ambiente bonito, y tuvieron varios eventos incluyendo musica en vivo y un cuadro flamenco. Aki dio un taller de Salsa y todo el mundo bailo muchisimo. &Yo me traje la toalla de Konami y creo que sude 2 o 3 litros facil. Se aparecio Danny y el Che a la mitad del evento e igualmente se desaparecieron como magia.
Al final tuvieron el concurzo de salsa. Lastima que no pudimos tomar video, pero senti que baile muy bien con Takashi. Es mucho mas alto que yo (increible) y tiene muy buena base. Parese que Rio lo tiene cortito con sus clases privadas... jejeeje En la tarde logre venirme en bus para disfrutar del NOMIHODAI (all you can drink). Baile un rato con Tomoyuki y despues el ofrecio llevarme a mi casa pensando que vivo en Uto... que lindo -- creo -- x k no se sus intenciones... Hicimos un raid por toda la ciudad y platicamos muchas cosas. Parece ser un guy muy cool. Aparte de que baila salsa y estudia Ingles es educado, tiene coche, y esta medio simpaticon. Pero la verdad... only the rabbit knows.
  The Shoko conspiracy
Friday night, I did go out. It was a total dud at Euro... at first they were playing some good Middle-Eastern music mixed in with a couple regetton tracks in between... but soon it turned out to be a bunch of old techno-dance music that reminds me of bad aerobics and cheer routines. Not to mention pissed-drunk Thai guys break dancing and hitting on everyone... plus the high tea prices... Dang... but it wasn't all bad coz Shoko-I introduced me to Tomo & I think it was a nice De-ai... maybe.... I wasn't drinking -- so it was all good. On the way down the street to pick up a friend I ran into Isaac. He was rushing to work, but we could exchange a few words.

Anyway... Saturday morning I went to JB and as planned we made world pinatas. These kids are so good. I swear, they are geniouses. After JB OB/OG and Saturday Program, I did a bunch of nothing around the house and went to salsa class. I am using some new regetton tracks for the warm up and ending it with flamenco or bachata. The students seem to enjoy it. After, I headed out to Shark Attack for a magic show. It was amazing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (I had planned to meet Fernando there.) He was there with all his Nova pals. The magician really kicked some ass. I wish I had been there earlier. Anyhow... after the magic show we all headed out to Tapas. It was a good night there... better than usual because of all the people heading there from the Shark Attack. Shoko II then approached me and re-introduced me to the Tomoyuki that Shoko I had introduced to me the night before... something fishy? Not sure... but we hit it off quite well and danced a lot, a lot, a lot. We ended up at Sinh'to Cafe (or however you spell that) with quite an eclectic group... DJ Ucci, Yuki, Shoko-I... just to name a few. As if they really needed a foreigner in the group to break the WA! Very unusual. Many stares. But good conversations...
  わたくしではなくて、テキーラDID IT.
El Miercoles en JB tuvimos PE y un nino nuevo se nos colo... parese que va empezar clases en agosto. Tambien tuve clases privadas en Kumon y tambien en JB. Se me va rapido el dia. Como es YASUMI de Konami... decidi salir un rato. No pense quedarme muy tarde porque los jueves casi siempre se me hacen pesaditos... Sali con Aya a tomarme un cafe... y antes de regresarme, como queda al lado del GINZA PARKING k siempre uso, pare en Shark Attack. Matsu todavia estaba trabajando, entonces nomas estaban Gi y Haru. Haru drinks tequila like it is his job! Then, when Matsu got off of work, he came YAPPARI as expected... los champinonsitos tambien tomaron y se portaron muy mal... pero yo... estaba conduciendo... jejeje... hasta k mama chari se componga creo que voy a ser la witness de los pecados de los otros... jejejeje Pero el domingo que es nomihodai creo que me toca portarme mal...
El Jueves tuve clase en Kumon y la clase privada del dance teacher... se me fue rapido y pude ir GUIRIGUIRI a Combat... En la noche me apasigue y dormi muy bien...
Hoy viernes tuvimos INTERNATIONAL COOKING DAY en JB y los ninos hicieron unas hamburguesitas muy simpaticonas... tuve una clase privada con unas ninas medio timidas, traumadas, who knows what... pero ni modish.... todo normalish.
Finally I paid my damn car tax.... today I went to STEP and Pump back to back... Fukuda subbed for Maeda and used the new tracks... yatta! Now it is a bit after 11 and I am debating wether to go to latin night at Euro or not. A guy that goes there and I are supposed to dance in a contest together on Sunday... and we have only danced together a few times -- I really could use more practice. I might just go in my pajamas... haha... Tomorrow I've got a lesson from 10 and I want to make globe pinatas with the kids... so I gotta get up early to make engrudo... Well... I am out... think I will go just for a little while... Cheers!♪
Creo que la ultima vez que me confese fue poco antes o despues de mi primera comunion... pero te lo juro que bloggear es peor... nomas de pensar que lo tienes que escribir en tu diario,piensas dos veces las cosas antes de hacerlas. Yo creo que si los padresitos estan leyendo los blogs, en un comentario muy pronto me saldra una penitencia. Tendre que decir los padres nuestros y las aves marias??? o de repente me las requieren mecanografeadas? (El diablo me acaba de senalar el CUT and PASTE) jejejejeje... la tentacion nunca se acaba...

Pero la pregunta de los 28000 es la siguiente:
Si una o mas de mis personalidades salen con el mismo guy es pecado? El esta poniendonos los cuernos?
Y si cada una de nosotras tenemos nuestro propio guy... a caso estamos poniendoles los cuernos?
Que dificil....
Cual de los pecados es peor?
月曜日の個人レッスンはたまにマックでする。きょう子供たちみんなHAPPYセットをたので、おまけは尾おじゃる丸の蛍のでんぼちゃんです。夏の頭ぐらいでになさんと一緒に蛍を始めてみにいった。 それで、殿墓参たちを見たら彼のことをおもいだして、その夜一緒にまた同じマックに戻ってになのためにHAPPYセットをたのんだ。 本当に喜んだ!!! Anyway... On Monday I had my lessons as planned at Shirayuri and McDonald's... with the HAPPY SETO they were giving out a special toy called DENBO. He is a little firefly from Prince Mackaroo (Ojarumaru). All the little kids were playing with it and it was so cute how his butt flickered. I remembered going to see the HOTARU with Nina at the beginning of summer and had to tell him about them... He was recently in a car accident so I kind of jokingly said I would buy him a HAPPY SET to make him feel better... and he agreed to it. So after a nap, Nina and I headed back to McDonalds to get his toy. hehehe He really looked as happy as the kids in the morning did.
After, I headed to PUMP... It had been a long time since I had taken the Monday Pump... and I got to see Miyamoto Instructor. It was nice because he, unlike Maeda, has already started using most of the new music... The new shoulder routine kicks ass! ADAMさんの友達のFERNANDOから最近ケイタイメールを届いてる。今日までぜんぜん会ったことがなかったけど。。。彼が私をSHARK ATTACK に誘ったので、会いに行きました。 最初ちょっと、ぜんぜん知らん人にあうのが怖かったし、緊張していた。しかし、SHARK ATTACK には知り合いが多いからあんまり悪いことできないと信じて、チャレンジしました。 びっくりした。 大好きな松ちゃんも来て、三人で①ドリンクを飲みながら話しました。 お久しぶりにスペイン語で会話できたから、かなり嬉しかった。でも、松ちゃんがスペイン語と英語を話せないのでちょっとかわいそうね。 FERNANDOさんはお先に家にかえって、あたしはマツバラ様と別の店でにんにくたっぷりのラーメンを食べて家に帰りました。On Saturday I had gotten a mail from un tal Fernando that apparently got my cell-phone e-mail from Adam... no se que diablos se trae Adan... pero anyway... that's not the point. Me saludo y le conte que estaba muy ocupada bailando y bai... fue el fin... pero nos seguimos mailiando. So we kept mailing back and forth and all I really knew was that he had just come here 2 months ago and is Argentinean, grew up in Canada and had been living in Germany for the past few years or so...  Monday we set up a meet-up and agreed to meet at Shark Attack. I saw Matsu with a... well.. what can I say... a tall, handsome foreign guy outside the elevator leading to Shark Attack. Blind dates are never good looking so, I assumed it wasn't him... hehehe... but when I got into the Shark I found out I was wrong... Anyway... he seems cool enough... Matsu took some pics and put this whole story in Japanese on his blog.
No tiene un paresido a David Bisball? Como diria margarita -- es un pollo! jejejeje (Todavia creo que no tengo la respuesta de la Dra. Roman acerca de lo que significa eso en Colombia.) Se tomo una cerveza, platicamos un rato -- quite refreshing to speak in Spanish... yei! and then he left. I stayed there for a bit with Matsu and then called it a night coz I had to work on Tuesday...

Tuesday we do arts & crafts at JB. Sayuri and I drink a lot of canned coffee, so we did a little elephant pencil holder with the kids. They really liked them -- they are cute, aren't they? Tuesdays I have a nice break from 1-4 PM and then I had my privates wit Y & A. I can't believe I am teaching irregular plurals, possesives and contractions to 5 year olds. These kids are so clever that it is scary.
火曜日はいつも保育園でクラフトの時間を作る。さゆりさんと私は毎朝キャンコーヒーを飲むので、キャンがいっぱい集めてしまった。 それを使ってみんな可愛いゾウさんのPENCIL HOLDERを作れました。天才だろう!It was finally a sunny day, so I got to do my laundry. It was great!!! Did two loads and got to use imported fabric softener that I got at Don Qujote. I am really pleased that I don't have to be a stinky-winky for the rest of my life. Tuesdays I go to Attack... I didn't die... called it an early night and just prepared for Wed classes.
Ayer hice lo que el pez...
nada, nada, nada, y nada
Lo unico semiproductivo k logre hacer es dos enfrijoladas y bajar musica del Internet. Creo que no estaba muy alta, porque se me bajo bastante rapido...
(Sorpresa... Ricky esta cantando regeton... iguanas k todos. Pues... hay k estar en la onda... y la version Pop de Angelito Vuela de Don Omar esta rete chida! Aqui hay un link a la version regetton.. I guess u gotta be en la onda. Pop stars wanna be reggetoners and reggetoners wanna be poppers.)
Pense en hacer un arca x k me empezo a dar miedo tanta inche lluvia...
Pero hoy me levantaron las chicharras... parese k hoy en vez de cantarasos tendremos un dia nublado...
今朝蝉を聞いてやっと雨やんだと気付いた! ミーミーミー
蝉と雨の音以外最近DON OMARのANGELITO VUELAと言う歌を何回も聞いている。 すごい歌だ!
Hoy es mi dia OFF de JB, pero tengo 2 clases en un Kinder y luego programe la clase de las senoras que me refirio Adan en un McDonald's cerca de la casa... Voy a hacer mis cosas... I might finally get to do my laundry today... and have to pay my car tax... I think it was due b4 I went to the states. Makes me wish I drove a K car! I can't beleive it is 37900 ucking yen. I got a love letter from Kumamoto city mentioning that I needed to pay for it... I bet some of the kanji in it were curse words... Blah... blah... blah...
Better go do my thang, baby! Ciaox2
  Can American 5-year-olds spell ATMOSPHERE?
Hmmmmmm... I just got off the phone with Shige! God I miss him like hell... he is in Tokyo. He was totally my shrink when he was in Kumamoto-- but now we have our consultations via telephone... this time I guess he was the one in need. I am not crazy (today). Go figure... But as long as we can keep each other sane, I guess it is worth it. Friday and Saturday have turned into one big, wet blur. (I suck at blogging... I can already tell this isn't gonna work.... not on a daily basis ne. Too sad... too bad... BOOHOO! I guess it will just become one more thing that I do half-ass!) It is now Sunday morning and just got home from an all-nighter. Desayune con mi amigo Cesar que trabaja en Latinos. Es muy padre platicar con el... I ran into him on the way to Sanc... and had a laid back morning while we watched Ana tottaly GYAKU NAMPA some weird guy until she finally got the digits... but that was just the sober-up after party. Everyone was just waiting for the buses and trains to start runing again. There was actually sun shine for about 3 or 4 minutes around 5AM before it started pouring again. But who cares about the skanky after party?! Before that, I went out Salsa dancing-- Tapas (not the Sanc) was worth the desvelada. Alex se regresa a Canada y hoy fue su despedida en Encuentros. (Of course... I couln't go coz I was teaching a salsa lesson.) Hace mucho tiempo que no me cruzaba con Danny ni Beat -- y de repente tambien llego Makoto, el esposo de Zurine. (Extranaba ya mucho a Danny... me encanto ver a toda la chorcha de nuevo.) Zayita la mas bonita y Zurine ahora estan en Europa... me imagino k secas y gozando del sol. 今日友達のアレックスの送別会で、お久しぶりに会ったの友達もおったけん。 マジで嬉しかった。自分のせいで最近本当にだれもにあってないともったいないと思ってるけど、残念。アレックスが居なくなるとやっぱり寂しかばい。 昨日のTAPASは本当に楽しかったね。TAPASが終わってから朝までSANCTUARYでせサルと他の友達たちと過ごしました。早く雨やんで欲しいわ! この天気は本当にヤダ! 
  Que lastima x con mis putos pretextos de siempre y my problema de WORKAHOLIC ANTISOCIAL, tengo mucho que no veia a Alex (ni a nadie). Se me hace padre que quizo y se pudo quedar 3 anios aqui... Aunque no me toco convivir tanto tanto con el esta temporada, lo aprecio mucho y lo voy a hechar de menos, gacho! Nos tomamos un hidalgo de jugo... jejeje... x k los dos andamos en coche... (Mama Chari no esta bien.) Ojala me toque volver a ver a antes d k c va el 28. Tiene planes de ir a Vietnam y visitar otros paises aqui en el oriente antes de regresarse a su casita y empezar a portarse bien. Que buena onda. Gonna miss ya!!!!!!!!
Aside from seeing Alex and lots of good, old friends... I also caught a glimps of the WAFUU-SALSA SCENE! En Tapas habia dos muchachas en Yukata... una llevaba tacones y la otra con sus botas de Gloria Trevi de siempre... Aunque no llevava el pelo suelto, creo que su look estaba listo para el psiquiatra. Salsa is HOT! Yukatas are HOT! (literally... and they have dangling sleeves and an awkward way of covering your body not really ideal for sexy dance movements... Yukata are really most suitable for walking pigeon toed and draging your feet slowly... and ofcourse for sitting nicely in seiza eating takoyaki and watching fireworks. I have seen some "gyaru" wearing the supposed sexy-version of a Yukata that ends right at the panty line... it is the MINI YUKATA... but... beleive me, they are as sexy as hello kitty in a thong... Unless they get brownie points by wearing six inch heels that they can't walk in... and then they are just a panty explosion -- so I could see some kind of weird eroticism out of that. But getting back to the point, you have to wonder how this girl managed to make it look so damn sexy! Hehehehe... I guess there is a spark of individuality in Japan... Wait... no... yo soy dark... pero los dark no bailan salsa... ok... soy dark rumbera... pero los dark no se ponen yukata?! O si? Bueno... soy salsa soya de la mas negra! SALSA SOYA... pero de la dark dark soy beans make the best salsa tonight :) (FYI -- there IS a white soy sauce called "shirashoyuu" in case you are ever on a game-show of useless facts.) 
夏休みがはじめたから何回もユカタを着る子を街といろな店で見た事があるけど、昨日TAPASサルサダンスパティーでとてもSEXYな着方を見ました。このこはもっともっと可愛いだけど、このオリジナ和風サルサウェアーが本当にあうど!?!? すごいと思って失礼して写真を撮りました。Creo que en Shark Attack van a hacer una YUKATA PARTY... parese ser muy popular en el verano... a ver si me atrevo a ser original copiche... jejejejeje Un nuevo look recyclado... Anyway... putting this blog on rewind... proving my sobriety and my good memory... antes de dancing for fun tuve clase de salsa en Otassya y x eso no pude ir a encuentros, pero al NIJIKAI si pude ir... Yatta! If I backtrack... I was dancing all night... and before there I had a salsa lesson... before that I was at JB for Saturday program... Look what my kids can do! They are so super smart. They really are reading... and more impressive, they wrote the cards themselves... They drew their own pictures too! They did this project in just 3 classes! 土曜日の子供たちが本当に天才とおもう。 アメリカの同じ年齢の子供が自分の名前ぐらいを書けるけど、この子達が太陽系についての歌を自分で挿絵と内容を書いて3つのレッスンで発表できました。本当にスゴイと思うよ。日本の高校生がわからない言葉を自然使えるようになってるね。 
Anyway, if I keep back tracking I was out last night at Euro for latin night... they were playing great salsa, bachata, and some old school merengue. Natsukashii, but flavorful... Rio was ofcourse there and I got to practice a bit w/ the guy I am gonna dance with next week. There is a dance contest next Sunday and somehow I got hooked up with this dude. Heheh... I think his name is Taka... and I guess it suits him well cause he is really TAKAI... I can wear my heels and still be shorter than him... Cool beans! Anyway... more on that next Sunday... maybe I can tell you his real name and how our dance went... as if anyone really cares... So... back to whatever the subject was, before going to latin night at Euro on Friday I had dinner at Jo Izakaya in Kawaramachi (where Matsu works) after a double whammy at KONAMI... I did 2 classes back to back... I can't beleive I am doing STEP... I actually got the steps right this time... with minimal *iching... and managed to get an EGAO somewhere in between the HIRITACHIs... and of course I can't miss PUMP.
金曜日大雨で子供少なかったのでハムハムの塗り塗りばかりしてかなり楽な日をすごした。仕事を終わってからコナミでステップとパンプにでて、大好きな居酒屋JOで夜をたべに行きました。 もちろん可愛コックさんも居て、イイとポールも居たのでよかった。満足になったらダンスバーEUROのラテン・ナイトに行ったんだ!リオ先生と他の友達も行って少し踊って二時ごろに帰りました。
Keeping the rewind thingi going... before this... I was at JB working ne... no privates on Fri this week because of the heavy rain. We only had 8 kids... so I just let them color HAMUTARO all day. They were quite pleased.... and before that was Thursday.... it is just one big blurrrrrrrrrrr... Where the heck do I get this energy? Maybe it's the REAL GOLD... or the super NATTO POWER. And to end on a weirder note, I guess I feel like a
nattou-chan today -- powerful and cute... but very sticky and stinky.... La verdad es que creo que cuando se me acaba la energia, Pandora llega... y ahi... nos vamos turnando.... (Ya regreso... Pandora... creo que nunca se fue -- nomas tenia su point.) なんでこんなに元気ですか? 納豆力でしょう? それか、REAL GOLD? 実は、あたしの多重人格みんなそれぞれのパワーを持ってるよ。 金と土曜日出かけた二人の人格がほとんどハイテンションです。Guess I better hop in the shower and go straight to my futon... guess today is gonna be an other stinken rainy day... Maybe I wilNAl sleep so nicely that I don't even notice... No para de llover. Ya me urge lavar y tender. Hoy se supone que era el BBQ en la casa de la princesa, pero parese que por la lluvia se cancela todo. Aver que se hace... OYASUMI!
  Positive thinking...
The weather is only getting worse and worse... but the good thing is that when rainy season is over, it will be typhoon season. Joy! Joy! Happy, Happy Joy! Joy! I guess that is my positive thinking for today... (don't worry... I have proper ranting l8er yo!)

It's my first rainy season in this apartment and it is MUCH better than when I used to live in UTO. It makes me wonder -- but I bet you my walls here have some kind of insulation. I just keep the dehumidifier on and when I come home from work the climate is bearable....

One of my dumber thoughts of the day:
If Japanese women could have some kind of mutation, perhaps horns or an extra limb that could open up into an umbrella would be a very desirable trait. Could we splice them with an umbrella bird? I am not sure how sexy that would be... but it might be convenient as I am beginning to think that women are starting to be born with umbrellas attached. On rainy days, it is ATARIMAE that no one gets wet... and on sunny days, since everyone is photophobic here and wants to keep their skin a nice mochi, milky, pearly, calpis color... it is accepted and expected. But recently, I have seen waaaaaaaaaaay too many umbrellas on just BIMYOU non-sunny days or on clear days after nocturnal animals have started to come out... Habit? Culture? Phobia? I don't know... but I am done ranting about this... GOMEN NE...

Well now that I am done *itching... I guess I better write about my day -- Thursdays are generally busy. I guess it is my workaholic day... went to JB b4 9... 2 kids were already there... we did phonics 2day... comi frijoles... but instead of black beans they were UZURA MAME quail-egg PINTO beans... yei! with the regular plain white rice that we serve the kids... I guess it was less MOROS CON CRISTIANOS... maybe more like SHINTOS CON BUDISTAS? If I had put the FURIKAKE seaweed sprinkles it might havestarted a religious war -- and since beans are the magical fruit... it might have been more atomic than desired. Anyway... after JB, I went to WAYO GAKUEN, a college where I teach in my spare time between lessons... heheh... and back to JB for afterschool and private lessons and then headed out to MINAMI KUMAMOTO to KINOSHITA'S DANCE ACADEMY (AKA Shall we dance?) to teach an other private...
Como siempre acabe GIRI GIRI y me fui en *inga madreando a todos los taxistas y los peatones (que por supuesto quieren salir en las noticias) a Konami... I made it just in time for COMBAT.... I love BTSJ!!! Now I am home... was gonna go out, but the rain makes me wanna stay in -- despite the fact that it is time to sleep... hehehe... gonna make my bento now, coz God and The Rabbit know I am not a morning person... Not even a person!!!
Ciao Ciao XoXXoXXooOOooooX <--- Aprendi de Nacho Libre(^_^)
  Hump Day....
Konami is closed today... sigh... it is only 9:35 PM and I am already pooped. Parese que Pandora esta de vacaciones... con todo y el "point" es dificl que haga sus cosas. Hoy fui a Mr. Max! (La tienda que tiene la cancioncita mas pegajosa de todo el universo.) Speaking of songs that stick to your head... today at JB we did PE. I taught the kids the MAYONESA song... and guess what I had for dinner? Viviendo en Japon nunca te escapas de la mayonesa... ya todos los ninos puede batir el chocolate y la mayonesa... y Pandora y yo nos agotamos. I had ONIGIRI from EVERYONE... that is called a nice dinner (^_^) YATTA! Oh yea... 
I must confess, I am a geek -- so I went to Mr. Max to buy ink for my printer and some fancy gadgets for my new computer... And guess what I saw???
GUNDAM razors for sale!!!!  I'm not sure if people who like GANDAM should be shaving....  but then again... I am not sure if products like Hello Kitty vacuum cleaners should be out on the market.
Well, I think I might just tuck into my little futon and pray for sunshine tomorrow so that I can finally dry my laundry...
  Regular Tuesday
Un dia normal... me lvante... sin ganas x k hace un clima de la ingada. Pero aun, me fui a JB con mi bento preparado-- comi ratatouille hecho en casa! Hoy x ser martes hicimos una manualidad en JB. Hicimos una ballenita que abre y cierra la boca. Los ninos se divirtieron mucho y aunque las pobrecitas ballenitas paresen pollitos, les quedaron muy simpaticonas. Ayer fue UMI NO HI (Marine Day) que es en ecensia nomas un dia para ir a la playa... pero como todo el mundo va se le quitan las ganas a uno. En comemoracion y para celebrar como buena Japa, yo me quede en mi casita haciendo lo que el pez. Y que hace el pez? NADA!
Hoy despues de JB me fui a Konami a la clase de Attack de Kayoko... Esta dificilicima... pero me encanta!
メキシコのプロレスに興味がある。 ここのビデオ〈ココにクリック)は大好きなBTSJで使われてる歌とムッチャルッチャの可愛いキャラクターをあわせて出来ています。
I am a BTSJ addict... and recently a Mucha Lucha fan... jajaja so I got a kick out of this video (click).
Up to this month in Body Attack 52, we have been doing a high impact cheer-leader like choreography to "LISTEN TO YOUR HEART" and this month it ended up on the Body Combat 28...  
  Cesarの誕生日会!El Sapo Verde!

La quinceañera de Cesar fue muy divertida. Luz se puso las pilas y organizo todo como tenia que ser. Cesar cocino (rico, of course) y creo que hasta lo regañaron por no servir los platos. Aunque no uvo mordida, uvo pastel y hasta piñata!!! Cantamos (muy desentonados), bailamos y nos divertimos un chorro!!!! せーサルくんの誕生日会はかなり楽しかった。 お久しぶりにメキシコの踊りとゲームに参加できました。おめでとう!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! iiiFELICIDADES!!!
  Kaerande Sara-chan-chan!
Last night I got to see Sarah and Motomi. Motomi just got her hair cut and looks even hotter than hot. Oh-la-la! She's been to San Antonio ne. I met her that same night that I met Sarah at Andes b4 heading back home to SA & Mex. It was too nice to meet 2 cool chicks all at once. We have had a lot of fun, but I can't beleive that Sarah is leaving so soon. Her sweetheart, Mike, is also taking off soon.

We were all dead-tired, but had a good time at Jeff's World Bar and having a midnight snack at the McDonald's on the Shinshigai with some other of Sarah's friends from GakuenDai. Today she is supposed to go to Minamata and then her Host Family from Hitoyoshi is coming on Monday. I hope she has fun & that I get to see her again. She is fun, funny, and a hard-core dancer yo! I am gonna miss her and might just have to go to Montana shoe! Otukare bai bai
It was the first time that I went to a SURPRISE PARTY that was actually a surprise. It was a lot of fun... and Kyoko seemed to enjoy it well enough. Oh, we all love Kyoko. I feel really lucky to have such a great boss and friend. I feel like she is family! She is always laughing and smiling and despite us being a huge OJAMA to her supposed date she looked beautiful and happy as usual.

Kids say funny things --
Today A-kun had two funny questions for K.
1. Why is J's brain so big? &
2. Why do you like J?
viernes, julio 14, 2006

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