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My eyeball was broken at this point -- so I had to throw together something else... So... with an old wig, a stolen (forgotten) mask, and the dress that I wore to Yii's wedding, I changed my look -- as they would say in Japan imechenji... that was my costume. Guess it was pretty good, coz some kids & parents didn't recognize me at all. As usual, the kids were darling. Kids are cute as long as they don't pee or throw up. Oh... and as long as they get to go home after hours.
  Mouse Fairy for Education
Educators do the weirdest things. Is this a picture to be proud of? Is this what I came so far to do? Well, I think my dad, as a principal, had to kiss a pig once at a student assembly. I guess if it is for a good cause I can be a mouse fairy. 
I wore this costume to teach my classes at one of the Kinders that I go to. The kids were really happy and the principal was just made-up. The little pressures of rife. Oops...I mean pleasures of life... (INSERT TUNE --> I think I'm turning Japanese, I think I'm turining Japanese, I really think so!) Posted by Picasa
  Hallobean at Jellyween and getting pissed at Tapas & Shark
A double--triple--quadruple life... I was an eyeball in the morning... and gradually turned into a 3-eyed monster... And the next morning I was a princess with a hang-over... but pictures are worth a lot of words... and promote peace and quiet. 
I am not sure what the capacity at my kinder is, but we were able to shove a lot of people in there. We had more than 40 kids accompanied by parents and food. Lots of witches and pumpkins... and of course princesses...
Despues de mi clase de Salsa, me fui a Encuentros a la fiesta que organizo Danny. Siempre le salen muy bonitos sus eventos y nos divertimos mucho. Sacaron los tambores y casi casi bailamos en la calle. Nos llamaron la attencion y tuvimos k evacuar. Jejeje.... De ahi me fui a Shark Attack. Ahi estaba toda la bola de siempre y las bailarinas de La Florida, Amie y Ashley en disfraz. No dure mucho tiempo ahi x k tenia ganas de ir a tapas.
En Tapas todo el mundo llego en disfraz. Estuvo muy padre el ambiente y en toda la noche hize la meta de no quitarme la cabaezota. Con todo y el ojo baile toda la noche. Aqui hay un video que tomo Saori.

Me imagino que un poco comico, pero muy divertido...
Mas tarde, cuando se termino la cosa en Tapas, regrese a Shark Attack. Como JEFF's cierra mas temprano, toda la bola de alla se vino y era un ambiente completamente differente. Casi puros extrangeros y todos en disfraz. Tomamos bastante... Y casi al final se me desconchinflo la mascara y me la tuve que quitar. Ahi si saque una calcomania que hize de mi propio ojo en caso de que me tuviese que quitar la mascara... jejejeje
  Despedida de Amie and Ashley's
Las bailarinas de la Florida tiraron una fiesta en su Apaato para despedirses ellas mismas de Kumamoto. Se regresan el 31 despues de estar aqui por 3 meses. Jugamos cartas, tomamos, y bailamos. Llegue ya tarde porque despues de trabajar me fui a la clase de STEP y de PUMP en Konami-- no me las pierdo por una fiesta... jeje... y sali temprano porque el Sabado trabajo -- entonces no logre meterme en problemas, pero me imagino que tiraron la casa por la ventana... Al final Amie se puso brava porque Ross se acosto y se supone que su novio tenia que platicar con ella en la manana... Se van a Alemania en un tur cuando ella regrese a los EEUU. Posted by Picasa
  Kimonos, Ballroom, and a bar fight!
En la manana me puse a empezar mi disfraz de Halloween y mas tardecito pase por el centro a recoger a Zurine, Zaya y Makoto para ir a la casa de la princesa a ver unos kimonos. Creo que nos vamos a animar y le entraremos a la clase de kimono. Nos probamos un kimono cada quien. Tengo los brazos muy largos y aunque me lo hagan a pedido, el largo de la tela no es suficiente. Nimodo.
Vinieron Matsu, Saori, y Amie a lo de los Kimonos y despues invite a Amie a ver un show de ballroom en el que participo uno de mis estudiantes de Ingles.
El tiene su propio estudio de danza y es profesor de computacion y de ballroom. Toma clases privadas de ingles conmigo. Estuvo muy bonito el show y nos divertimos mucho criticando -- porque Amie y yo no tenemos defectos...Bailaron muchos Waltzes y Tangos, pero lo que mas nos gusto es el quickstep y samba!
En la noche, despues del show de ballroom, yo quede con unos amigos de Konami para comer. Como ya estaba en la ciudad, decidi pasar por shark attack. A Matsu esta pasando una temporada poco dificil y se me occurio ir a saludarlo. Alguien estaba celebrando cumpleanos y estaba completamente lleno. Unos Chinos se tomaron de mas y uvo una pelea. Es la primera vez que veo algo asi. Despues de que se tiraron de golpes como ninos y los sacaron, regresaron a pedir disculpas con mil caravanas. Menos de 5 minutos despues, empezaron otra vez. Los sacaron y de nuevo regresan con sus caravanas. Yo no entiendo... No es JB donde puedes decir "I am sorry" y seguir jugando. Alguien llamo a la policia y llegaron como 5 patruyas y se los llevaron. Que raro.Los muchachos que estavan por ahi, Mike, Fernando, Jo, y Matsu trataron de detenerlos... El pobre de Gui no queria que llamaran a la policia... Quien sabe.  &Anyway... Parese que Matsu esta muy enamorado de Amie. No se que va hacer cuando se regrese a los EEUU... Pobrecito!nbsp;
  Same, same... but different
Japan is like Hotel California... you can come any time you want, but you can never leave. A picture is worth a thousand words. Alex has a T-shirt with the saying "Same, Same, but different." I think this is what he was referring to.
I think this is the very first time that I make an appearance at Jeff's two nights in a row. Am I becoming a gaijin of habit? It is a bit disturbing... most of the memembers... the poses... the place... probably the conversations and the drinks that night were pretty much the same as the previous and the next.... and those of many nights to come. The only thing that seems different is the clothes. Goodness -- I guess it is a good thing that no one is wearing the same outfit. Back in uni, we call that the walk of shame-- when u show at work the next morning with the same clothes you had on at a club the night before...
Anyway -- besides this being an alarm or a wake-up call or what have you, I must admit that it was nice to spend some time with Amie, Ashley and the combo. These dudes are from Texas and are doing some trainings here for Tokyo Electron. Kind of a small world. I could have probably worn the same clothes and gone to sixth street, met a similar group of people, and had the same conversation. In any case, it is nice to have a conversation that doesn't start with "WHERE FROM?" or "NIHONGO JYOUZU".... I didn't hear an "OHASHI JYOUZU" the whole weekend. Who knows. Maybe it is a sign that mayo and corn pizza will no longer be my staple food in the near future... Posted by Picasa
  BOO! Boo! Ho! Ho! Ho! (No turkey... sorry.)
Today I was feeling well enough to go back to Konami after taking almost a month of with a crazy cough. It looks like I had some kind of "Cough variant" problem as the third doctor I consulted said... I finally stopped taking all these weird meds and am on 2 inhalers... I've been using them for about 3 days now and can finally get some sleep at night. I used to cough so hard that I couldn't sleep... But today I went to Combat. All new music and there were lots of guys in the class. It felt good to sweat and I am sure I will get lots of zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz's tonight.

Anyway... at school we are barely preparing for a Halloween Party and at Konami today they were already putting up the Christmas tree. They have had stockings up and some campaign to order personalized letters from Santa since I stoped going about 3 weeks ago... but to see a Christmas tree was pretty crazy. All the Christmas decorations are already out at the 100 yen shop. I discovered them while trying to find some Halloween decorations -- but they had already been sold out. I should have gone in summer...

Japan always surprises me on how fast they put up decorations for holidays that they don't even celebrate... Go figure.
  There is never just one party!
Even if the first party is perfect... there is always the official second party... Llegaron mas de 100 personas a seguir festejando en una IZAKAYA Okinawense... para terminar de confundir a la gente. Seguimos comiendo y tomando como k no hay manana.

Despues de la segunda fiesta Yi tiro el ramo y nos robamos los tequilas...
From there everyone went to Jeffs World Bar for a third party... and if that wasn't enough, there was a fourth party at Shark Attack.
I went home after that... and I don't think there were any sober survivors to tell if there was a 5th party.... But I bet there were several other 5th celebrations at ramen shops and love hotels throughout Kumamoto to continue celebrating... I went to bed. I slept well....
  La Rafa se puso las pilas
No es la mejor foto del universo... pero... pa ke vean k las mangas si le kedaron -- no como a Enrique Iglesias... pero... tampoko como las trabukas k se enkuentran por aka.  El martes empeze en la universidad. Unos nervios... pero creo k todo bien. Para arreglar el horario y que no se me empalmen las klases, la klase de los genios de JB la estoy dando en su kasa despues de ir a la universidad. (Punto numero 1: Ellos duermen en cama y comen con mesa y sillas-- y no tienen granos!) Ya estoy Confusia- no se (sabemos) si es de Rafa o mia la clase... Nomas k kuando llegue el cheke tenemos k ponermos agusadas x k si no la Pandora se lo gasta en un 6! (dos por tres... para k vean k trabajar con genios estimula el brainia, nakadamia nut!) Hasta luegish....

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