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  FAQ: How to take a pet python from Japan to the USA
Step 1. Give her leg growth hormones.
Step 2. Dress her up as a common dog and teach her how to bark.
Step 3. Implant a chip on her shoulder.
Step 4. Get a Pet Passport (YES, I am serious.)

No problem!

Ok... let's get real. I have had Bucchi for 3 years now. She is the best! A great dancer and great listener. She is independent, quiet, clean, and oh so--------- cute!!! She is a great room-mate and pet. I really don't want to leave her behind... and I have no idea who could give her a good home here... even temporarily. It is a tough one yo! DOU SYOU????

The Japanese Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fishery says that as long as Bucchi is not a hipopotamus, she won't be quarrantined in Japan. And according to the US Center for Disease Control the importation of snakes is not regulated. The USDA Veterenary Services National Center for Import/Export also states the same thing.
So... the legalities seem less complicated. But-- will airlines let me travel with her (>_<) Especially since I am doing a stop-over in Taiwan, it is a little doubtful. I guess my English is getting rusty, because I am not sure what Delta means when they say they won't allow shipment of snakes from unkown senders-- does that mean that they DO allow them from known senders???
But... if I do finally get her on-- I can't keep her... This is waaaaaaaaaay so complicated!

The Fish and Wildlife Service says:
All snakes in the Boidae family (boas, pythons) are listed in CITES Appendix I or II. Some are also listed as endangered or threatened under the ESA. Commonly held pets, such as the boa constrictor (Boa constrictor) [excluding the Argentine boa (B. c. occidentalis) which is listed in Appendix I], ball python (Python regius), and reticulated python (P. reticulatus), are listed in Appendix II. Check the lists to determine how the boa you own is protected. (If the species name is not individually listed on the CITES list, the species is listed in Appendix II.)

* To export an Appendix-II species from the United States, you need a CITES permit. Click here for an application form. Contact the foreign country to meet its requirements.
* To import an Appendix-II or Appendix-I pet snake into the United States, you need a CITES permit issued by the exporting country.
* To import a snake listed in Appendix I you may also need a permit from us unless the foreign country has issued a CITES bred-in-captivity certificate. To import a snake listed under the ESA, you need a permit from us. Click here for an application form.
* You must import or export your pet boa through a designated port unless you have received a port exception permit. You must notify the FWS wildlife inspection office at the port of entry or exit at least 48 hours in advance, present our declaration form to the wildlife inspectors, and receive clearance from us prior to export or at the time of import. We will validate any U.S. CITES permits during this clearance process.

Did anyone get that? It is chotto muri-- a little bit impossible. I checked the CITES site (not a gyagu... I swear!). Very troublesome and very expensive. And it will be a lot of stress on her if she has to be shipped so-------- far. Poor Bucchi! So... the conclusion is BUCCHI can't/won't come with me. (At least not this trip.) So... what will I do? Where will she go? That is the next question. It is so sad. I love her!
  Matsuri, Cuaresma, y Rueda
Anoche fui a Tapas y regresando a casa en daiko a las seis de la mañana me fui directo a la camita. Poco despues un TAIKO me desperto. Ya que me di cuenta que no eran tambores, si no la lavadora del vecino, decidi bañarme. Me toco hablar por telefono con la familia y despues me fui a Kawaramachi. Kede con Zurine. Llegando vimos unos kimonos y escuchando musica buena nos quedamos en Ado un rato. Probe un licuado de platano con aguacate la cosa mas rara del planeta... pero a Zaya le gusto. (^_^) Despues del MATSURI me fui a Misa. Nomas en Japon uno se quita los zapatos para entrar a la iglesia... jeje... Y darnos la paz es un relajo porque somos tan pocas personas que nos toca abrazar y besar a todos. Hoy es el primer domingo de la cuaresma. La Misa estuvo muy linda y tuvo buen mensaje. Despeas de misa, Cesar trajo un pastel para celebrar el cumpleaños del Padre Erensto y nos toco cantar las mañanitas y echar un poco de relajo. Despues nos fuimos al Shimotori a tomarnos fotos en las maquinitas PURIKURA bien acomodados... y como ya íbamos guiriguiri y esas vainas se demoran bastante, Anita y yo llegamos tardisimo a la clase de rueda. Nos toco PENALTY gacho. Como Ernesto si es bueno el se adelanto y llego a tiempo. De todas maneras aqui tomamos un video pa'k no se nos olvide. Para la proxima no vamos a llegar tarde.

  Los munchkins estan bailando bonito
Here is a video of my Kinder kids dancing Macarena, Mayonesa, and El baile del gorila. They made their own costumes and are so-------- cute. They are getting quite good. (^_^) They really enjoy it, too.

Sorry, this video is not public.
Only friends and family may view it for privacy reasons. 私が教えてる子供たちの楽しいラテンダンス練習のビデオですが、FAMILYかFRIENDSしか観ることが出来ません。皆楽しんでるよ!♪ 頑張ってる!可愛いでしょう???
  Afuera Telaranas! Chocolate Power!

I once heard that when something bad happens, people usually tell about 20 people-- but when something good happens they only tell 1 or 2 if any. So, I thought I would skip the bitching on my blog today and tell you what a good day I have had! Not even the shitty rain could spoil my chocolate-filled day!
ウコンの力とニンニクの力のPOWERが足りないときチョコレートの力!!!!!!!!今日3800カロリーのパフェーを食べて2キロ減らして一日ものすごく元気だった!!!ハハハ やっとGOOD DAYをすごしましたね。☆


Anoche me kede hasta la deshoras de la madrugada grading papers... Auni asi, en la mañana desperte antes de que mi alarma sonara, pero me kede en cama. Aunque no hace frio, me gusta poner la cobija electrica y me demoro bastante en levantarme. Anyway, me ni me vi en el espejo y me senti muy bien en la ropa k escogi a la primera. Mi bento ya lo tenia preparado desde en la noche y tenia hasta mi desayuno en el refri. Es medio raro k este tan bien organizada. A JB llegue de buen animo y hasta a los niños mas jodones los trate con una sonrisa. Despues de trabajar toda la mañana en JB me di cuenta k no tenia mis cosas para el gimnasio y me fui de volada a casa por ellas. Apenas agarre el ultimo lugar en el estacionamiento cuando se escucha por la radio "icho ji desu". Cuando me bajaba del coche vi al tomatito del YMCA (el k me hizo sufrir). Tambien parece k iba acarrereado-- pero como estaba en mis zapatos de Carlos Santana e iba disfrazada de Rafaella,echando truenos y el se veia fregadisimo, decidi saludarlo. El me dio un "konichiwa" y yo insisti en hablarle ingles pero NO ESL-- para k se le quite el complejo de muy chingon. K cabrona soy, eda? Se le vio el ojo takataka medio cuadradon --- bueno-- deje al buey con el ojo rectangulado y la cola entre las patas k casi se tropieza pero me vale madre. Total llegue a mi clase de Kumon guiri guiri y la leccion me salio muy bien. Creo que al tomatito no le podre pedir una recomendacion... pero se sintio mas padre saludarlo k recibir cualquier cartita de parte de el. Despues da la clase en Kumon me fui al Hanshin a ordenar un perfume. Lo han descontinuado pero la señorita de ahi parece k estaba teniendo buen dia y llamo a otra tienda (en Oita) k tenia UNO en stock. Creo que sali con el ultimo FREEDOM de toda la nacion. Mientras arregle que me leo mandaran vi que venia Yoko. Ahi mismo en el Hanshin encontramos un lugar donde se prohibe fumar y nos sentamos a disque tomarnos un cafe. Pero ese cafe se convirtio en un parfait de 3800 calorias. (Pork nos dio la gana!) Hoy en mis pantalones de UNICRO k compre en Uto cuando estaba delgada y mi calzado de Santana (pa ke se escuchen pis pasos gueyes!!) no es dia para contar calorias. Es mas, creo que no se contar tan alto. (Nomas llegue hasta Calculus II en la universidad-- donde los numeros de alta caloria se vuelven imaginarios. Pero al parfait si le tome foto para estar segura k no fue imaginario...)Los parfaits se desaparecieron en un dos por tres... como sin nada y chismeamos hasta k me dio la hora para regresar al frijol de gelatina. En la tarde puse a todos los niños a hacer el baile del gorila x k parece k es lo k vamos a bailar en la graduacion de los munchkins k se van a la primaria en abril. Despues tuve clase con los genios y no se x k pero ellos estaban de muy buen animo y no se pelearon ni hicieron caras. Se fue de volada la clase y de ahi me fui directo al estudio de Kinoshita. Llegue 2 minutos antes (aunque siempre acostumbro llegar guiri guiri) y aunque el dijo k no se sentia bien, la clase se fue rapidisima. El aun no sabe k me voy. Tendre k decirle pronto-- pero hoy no es dia para eso... jejeje Estaba lloviendo a cantaros... pero tenia mi paraguas listo. Hoy ni la lluvia ni encuentros con tomatitos me arruinan el dia. Anyway. Termine la clase y me fui derechito a Konami... llegue guiri guiri y sace locker de arriba! Mi nombre fue el ultimo en la lista para Body Combat. Aunque me tuve k parar medio atras, todavia me toco ver el espejo y al instructor. Fue la ultima clase de Fukuda. Tenia una energia tremenda. Creo k logre quemar las 3800 calorias que me trague hace rato. Es mas, despues de la clase me pese-- perdi 2 kilos!!! jajajja mañana engordare. En el regreso a casa agarre un bento de Sunny y termine mis grades para Kumadai. Me senti muy chingona todo el dia. Ser a por la sobredosis de chocolate?

If you show this (right) picture to any Japanese child or anyone even slightly interested in anime, they will immediately identify them as TOTOROs... Unmistakeably Totoro... TONARI NO TOTORO. Surprisingly, today as I was searching for the lyrics to a song on the net, I ran into a so-called KALIMBO Character (below) on The site has a lot of great jokes, tongue-twisters, and riddles among other interesting things-- but it makes me wonder if they thought no one would notice that they are putting a TOTORO WANNABE.... hahaha...
But KALIMBO's name sounds like a play on my name... so I like him. You can hear him sing songs in a very strange electonic voice. It is a bit creepy.... Anyway... that's all. Just wanted to taddle on the copy-cats out there. Hahaha... Spot the similaritiies? But then again, Pikachu is not far off either. But don't forget, TOTORO is the ORIGINAL (^_^) and Ghibuli is the best!!!!
  Back to the future!
Today I turned in my admissions application to  (Texas StateUniversity!!) (^_^) yatta! And… check this out… I got my AFAA certification reinstated—so as of now, I am a licensed aerobics instructor again. If only I could look the part now… hehehe…
So… now I am just waiting for UTSA to send my transcripts and need to take my GRE… but I don’t see myself paying 2man plus to go to Tokyo to take a test if I can put it off until I go to San Anto.

I can’t wait to be a student again (^_^)
  Who killed Rafaella?
Esta semana estoy como loca haciendo mis put*s grades para la universidad. Todavia tengo que escribir el examen final para el departamento de ingeneria, pero mi curso ya lo termine. En Wayo, tuve la ultima clase el Jueves. Les di el examen final y ya entrege resultados.

She is not dead. Stay tuned for Rafaella PART II

  Author, baker, ramen-loving dancing-drunkard, Martha Stewart & bimyou athlete

On Saturday we wrote a book… A huge book during the morning lesson—here are geniuses at work! In the afternoon we made cookies with the older kids & then I went to Salsa. Shoko & the gang are back and Miki’s niece came. They picked up the GalanteBoogaloo routine right away. I think Miki, Hiro, and I are going to do a routine to La India’s “Soy Diferente”. After the salsa lesson, I did my nails with little hearts for Valentine’s and headed out to Shark Attack. Gi is going to be going to Shanghai pretty soon and I wanted to see him before he leaves. I was so--------------- happy to see Yi and Paul there until I realized that they were there because Gi was not feeling well. Oh…. I love Yi and Paul and was super crazy happy to see them… but, I hope that Gi feels better soon yo! After just one proper drink and a Tequila shot, I headed to Tapas. It was nice to see some people I hadn’t seen in a lo--------ng time. We danced the night away. After, I somehow ended up eating ramen again. I think I followed Takashi to Ginza… Hahaha… Maybe I need to change my screen name to gengkiramenholic?? This ramen shop was crazy though!!! The ramen-eaters sit in individual stalls (kind of like the library – or at school when you got sent to time out)! Then you get this complicated order form (written by the same people who write the Eiken or the Census perhaps) and you are not allowed to talk! (Yeah---> that's the pic yo. Looks like a MAJIME library... doesn't it?) You just hear this dead silence and the slurping sounds. The ramen is really good. I am gonna miss ramen. Boooooooooohoooooo… But this isolation station type of ramen was my first experience. I guess I can’t call it a date…ahhaahaaaaaaaaa Anyway, It was too late to catch a daiko back… so I went to Sanctuary for hell knows what and then caught a cab home. In the morning I rode the bus back to go get my car. There were some rallies going on for National Foundation day, so traffic was terrible—but I finally went home & did some grading and lots of sleeping after calling home. Sundays are usually undetectable in my weekly schedule because I spend them either sleeping or doing shit around the house. I went to A-price and bought tortillas and spent half the day doing laundry… Monday I didn’t have to go to Shirayuri!!! I had Jo-Jo, Yoko, and Sandy over for lunch… it was great (^_^) I was supposed to meet Zurine for coffee after, but got caught up doing a bunch of nothing. I am getting good at that. I made a compilation of danceable love songs for a Valentine’s CD and spent hours on You Tube wasting my life away.

My cousin told me about a Japanese T-shirt folding… and I just had to look it up… And then I couldn’t stop watching dumb stuff. (I am a lo-------ser! *part-time*) Then on Tuesday we spent the whole day making cookies at JB. I don’t know why I was so------- sleepy. I went valentine’s shopping down town and then headed to Konami. I didn’t feel like I could do Attack—so I went to the pool and did a really BIMYOU water fighters. And that is how I am wasting my life away…
日本ふへたくそ! エクスキュースミマセン!読まなくてよかよ。
たまたま朝カリキュラムを変わって、切り紙で可愛いかにを作りました。 たまたま、昼いつも通りの個人レッスンをキャンセルさせって、スリニエに会いに行って、お久しぶりにたまたまタイラーとアンに会いました。 保育園に帰ったときたまたまコナミのカヨコとイギリスから戻ってきたばかりの友達のナツエちゃんが子供たちを見に来てくれて、またカリキュラムを帰ってたまたまアフターヌーン・プログラムなのに踊ったばかり。楽しかったよ! ☆ありがとう! またきてね!☆ 大体毎週コナミの江上先生のステプに参加するんだけど、今日JBでカヨコにあって江上先生はお休みするとたまたま聞きました。それで、たまたま、プライベートレッスンが終わってから急がないで、ゆっくり家に帰ろうとしていた。ドアを閉めてたところ、たまたままっちゃんかなんかの電話があった! 平日なのに街にでかけた! 先週まっちゃんがセサルにサンクであってあんまりコミュニケーションできなかったんだって。 しかし、ラティーノスに興味になって、たまたまお久しぶりにラティーノスに行こうとしていた。そのときたまたまお久しぶりにちかちゃんの電話があって誘ったばい!とても美味しかった!九時まで家に帰って着替えって、コナミにまにあえました。 山本パンプ今年を始めて、楽しみにしていた。 たまたま、山浦インストラクターが遊びにたまたまレッスンを山本インストラクターと一緒に担当した。たまた真前に立ってやっと腹筋の使い方理解できました!
Today everything was slightly unusual. I broke lots of routines & got to see lots of people that I hardly ever see & finally figured out how you are supposed to contract your abs during a dead row!
  No pares. Sigue! Sigue! (part 2)
Wake up Saturday. Go to work. Get beans thrown at me. Do 2 lessons. (Made cute ONI!) Rush home. Get my bags. Go to the train station. Meet Rio and Taka. Drink beer & eat on the train. Arrive at Fukuoka. Go to a Jazz Concert. Look for a place to eat. Get turned down multiple times. Finally find a place. Eat. Go to One Way. Dance a lot. Drink rum. Meet Sonia. Dance more. Get abandoned. Dance more. Go to Hasta Cuba Club. Drink a Mojito. Talk. Get out. Check into hotel. Sleep a little. Take a shower. Sleep a little more. Wake up Sunday. Go to Canal City for brunch with Rio. Shop. Meet up with Taka. Shop more. Kill my feet! Shop more. Go to a fancy bar. Shop more. Go to Tenjin. Shop more. Go to yatai. Eat a lot. Invent our own YAKISOBA CON SALSA!. Go to Hakata. Miss the train. Take a bus. Get home past midnight. Go to sleep. Wake up Monday. Go to Shirayuri. Teach a lesson. Come back. Do shit around the house. Finalize the final exam. Prepare lessons. Sleep. Go to Pump. Get sore. Go to sleep. Wake up Tuesday. Go to JB. Teach lessons. Go to the Uni. Give a final exam. Have a meeting. Go to Y&A’s private lesson. Stay talking forever. Miss Attack. Talk more. Miss Water Fighter. Continue talking. Miss Healing. WTF??? Go home. Eat peanuts. Sleep pissed. Wake up Wednesday. Go to JB. Go to Kumon. Go back to JB. Finish work. Go to the hospital. Teach salsa. Go home. Grade papers. Sleep. Wake up Thursday. Go to JB. Go to Kumon. Go back to JB. Teach a private. Go to Kinoshita’s dance studio. Teach a private lesson. Go to Konami. Miss Combat. Get really really angry --- but no tears! Take Basic. Enjoy it. Get talked into taking Original Jogging. Hate every moment of it. Go home. Sleep. Wake up Friday.
  No pares. Sigue! Sigue! (part 1)
Have you heard of the meals on wheels program? Well my meals on wheels program is a bit different. It involves eating only in the car. That is why there is no meal plan in my program below:

Crazy cycle… Wed. Wake up. Go to work at JB. Practice at the Hospital. Go back to JB. Edit music. Practice at Hiro’s until midnight. Go home & sleep. Thursday. Wake up. Go to work. Teach at Kumon. Go back to JB. Teach private kids lessons. Go to Kinoshita’s dance dtudio. Teach private TOEIC class. Go to Konami. Take Combat. Take a shower. Go to Hiro’s for practice. Go home. Edit music. Sleep. Friday. Wake up. Go to JB. Throw beans. Teach a private lesson. Pick up Ana. Go to Happy Fish. Dance in 2 shows. Drop off Ana. Go to sleep. Wake up Saturday. Go to work. Arghhhh!!!!!!!!!!!! (To be continued…)

These are some pictures from the show we had at happy fish! I wish we had some of the Hula pictures too. If you took any good hula pics, can I have copies, please??? I just gave my camera to Miki-- she got some good shots of Boogaloo, Bamba, and Bruja (^_^) Thanks a lot. The Hula was also amazing though!

Thanks to everyone who came and participated… and thanks to Jo-Jo for inviting us to dance. We plan on doing a dinner show again on March 16th (with an other one of Jo-Jo's Hula teams) – and we will have some new numbers.
(^_^) Yatta!
  Watch less cinema, make more babies!
Everything is too fast! But so behind… What can I say? In the year 2007, top politicians still get away with publicly calling women “baby-making machines” 女性は”産む機械、装置” and we have to wait ages to get a movie that has already been nominated multiple awards in other countries.

I look so forward to seeing Babel!
I mistakenly thought that it would be out in Japan this month… but when I checked the movie schedule today—I realized that I would be back in the States before the movie showed here. It won’t be out until sometime in April! Geeeeeeeeez!

Anyway…. That is my *itching for the day. I guess if we watch less cinema we can have more time to try to make babies. Maybe the Japanese government can start a campaign giving free movie tickets to women who have more babies! After all, our neighbours, S. Korea recently had an equally ridiculous campaign. I remember reading an article during the new year about the S.Korean government giving away tickets to salary men who promised not to go to brothels during the winter vacation.

Are we really in the year 2007? Hello! Get with the times--- it is so unHeisei!

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